Sold Account LV70 endgame server EU-Poineer

Discussion in 'Saint Seiya Awakening Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JeeyMay, 7/21/22.

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  1. JeeyMay

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    Account end game (+1024 days) collegato a gtarcade, saint codex completo, all s/ex/ss saints lv 80 completo 8° senso.
    85 gemme astrali, 20 tomi blu, 1 tomo verde, 2000 diamanti, 1800 coupon, molti cosmo doppia velocità e maggiori dettagli nelle immagini

    update: new saint defteros (full 8° sense), poseidon saint legend book complete, skin pavilion lv 97 ( new hypnos skin and old myu skin added), only one piece left to finish dc shun repair.

    Abilità del santo:
    -Dea Atena 1545
    -hades 1443
    -Poseidon 3334
    -Artemis 3545
    -Hypnos 1354
    -Thanatos 1145 (+2 copie)
    -Persefone 3355 (+1 copia )
    -Ophiuchus 2553
    -Hades Alone 3545
    -Athena's ex 1312
    -Goddess Sasha 3534 (+1 copia)
    -Mayura 1222
    -Milo 4125
    -Shaka 1524
    -Camus 3443 (+1 copia)
    -Mu 5422
    -Shura 1555
    -Afrodite 1255
    -Aldebaran 4444 ( +1 copia)
    -Maschera di morte 3444
    -Saga 1545 (+2 copie)
    -Aiolia 1545 (+3 copie)
    -Arayashiki 4135 (+1 copia)
    -Shion 3444 (+1 copia)
    -Aiolos 2443 (+1 copia)
    -Dohko 3543
    -Papa 3433 (+1 copia ) )
    -Golden Seiya 2222 (+1 copia)
    -Nebula Shun 2433
    -Gold Hyoga 1535 (+1 copia)
    -Orphèe 2535 (+1 copia)
    -Gemini Kanon 1454
    -Shijima 1321
    -Deathtoll 1232
    -Gemini Cain 1223
    -Gestalt 1122
    -Suikyo 4545
    -Seadragon Kanon 2543 (+1 copia)
    -Sorrento 3354
    -Krishna 3433 (+2 copie)
    -Saori 1544 (+1 copia)
    -DC Phoenix 4345 (+2 copie)
    -DC Seiya 1454
    -DC Shiryu 5555 (+1 copia)
    -DC Shun 2334
    -DC Hyoga 5245 (+2 copie)
    -DC Aiolia 1225 (+1 copia )
    -DC Milo 4554 (+2 copie ) )
    -DC Adebaran 5535 (+2 copie)
    -DC Dohko 3354 (+1 copia)
    -DC Camus 3454
    -Albafica 3453 (+2 copie)
    -Kardia 1122
    -Rhadamanthys 2555 (+1 copia )
    -Minos 1534
    -Garuda 2322 (+1 copia) -Pandora
    -Evil Saga 1234
    -Uderworld Shun 1443
    -Myu 4555
    -Lune 4521
    -Faraone 2222
    -Cotta Shion 1525
    -Comm. Pandora 1512
    -Cotta shura 2112
    -Defteros 1221

    Before making any offer, be sure to write to me to clarify your doubts and discuss the price, this is my discord - Jedmay#0824

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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