Male - Halfkin Current level = 86 All Class minimum level = 80+ Already awaken class = Mimic/ Magician Total achievement: 9714 Weapons: Clawglow Mace +14 Plutonian Spikehammer +7 Duskblaze Guitar +14 Evil Eye Rune Grimoire +14 Galaxy Seal Staff +14 Holy Glow Shield +14 Armors: Awaken Meteor Storm Set +14 Prosperous Phoenix Set +8 Sea General Set +14 (ALL Tower Gems) Legendary: Mysterious Crown Exquisite Plume Earrings Classic Cello Stealthy Assassin Dagger Midday Sun Blaze Wings Mysterious Bad Boy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primes:Head: Halo Mysterious Chic Earring Moon Bunny Mysterious Crown Mysterious Radar Headset Mysterious Bubble Lolipop Mysterious Dali Mustache Wings: Goldern Conquest Wings Graceful Melded Marvel Wings Mysterious Aristocrat Apparel VIP pop star Ensemble Mysterious Wolf King Suit Weapons: Ban Hammer Cupid's Bow Visionary Light Shield Magical Bunny Paintbrush Demon Pirate Cutlass Blaze Pike ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mounts: Stalwart Razorback x1 Stalwart Sabretooth x1 Gleaming Alpaca x1 Stalwart Wooly Yak x1 Supercharged Geartech Moto x1 Night King Alpaca x1 Indigo Pyredragon x1 Fantasy Dragon x1 Stalwart Gobbler x1 Thunderbolt Stalion x1 Skypuff Alpaca x1 Alpaca Hot Air Ballon x1 Alpaca Pirate Airship x1 Chil Alpaca x1 Fortune Goldfish x1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other Items: Gold Flame Tiger (Battle Mount) Grim Fire Star Stone (Agi+7%) Violet Blossom Luna Rock (Agi & Str +3%) Honey Hued Dolphin Luna Rock (WIS & LUCK +3%) Silver Moon Goddess Star Stone (luck+7%) Eden Crystal x40 Safty Stone x23 (bound) Safty Stone x1500 (tradable) LSS x20 Uiridian Sublime SS x 5 (100% success) Ultramarine Halcyon SS x24 (75% success) Ultramarine Sublime SS x4 (100% success) Coral Sublime SS x6 Power Scroll x34 (Prime) Guard Scroll x28 (Prime) Demon Crystal (Tower Gem) x 736 War Stone x1882 25-slot bag x4 (used) Memory Tome x 19 World Call x2500+ No.5 x15 Wings of Eternal Light x2 Roval Galaxy Star Stone ( Luck +7%) AP:3125 Eternal Points: 23662 Because of some personal reason, I'm no longer able to play this game any more, that is why I'm selling the account and items. I don't really want to, but I have to.. If anyone interested in any of these things, nomatter account or items. We can all talk about it. Also, we can log in the game to talk about which makes it more trustworthy. I'm still in a guild right now. You can talk to my guildies to know what kind of person I'm; however, all these are based on your WILLING TO BUY. Feel Free to Contact me: Email = [email protected] or Email me at this forum I will immediately respond