Sold Account /Level 30/God Pack/Original Owner/Skins!

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Games, 4/21/15.

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  1. Games

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    I want to sell an Smite account!

    For this moment it contains:

    /.....God Pack...../

    /.....Level 30...../

    /.....10 Skins...../ (Don't know really, but when I will count, i'll edit this one!)

    /.....Cool name...../

    /.....Not BANNED...../

    /.....Full Access...../

    /.....Mastery Level 4...../

    Price: 25$

    Skype: marguss1999

    E-Mail Address: [email protected] /* */

    Payment Method: Paypal!

    I'm ready to go first only for trusted members, if you're not trusted or I'm not sure - you'll go first.

    //////////////SCAMMERS GO AWAY,I WON'T GET ON YOUR TRAP///////////////////////

    Thank you for reading, and contact me if you're really intrested in my Smite account!


    Hi, I am curious on what skins you have on your account. Can you pm me with the list? or just the rare ones


    Originally Posted by cyuen

    Hi, I am curious on what skins you have on your account. Can you pm me with the list? or just the rare ones


    I'll add list of skins to thread, when I'm at home! Thank you!

    still waiting for the skin list XD cause ill take it if it has feaster bunny bakasura

    Hi it's me again , sry about not replying to your email, I only just checked my mail XD. Anyway I want this smite account so could you get back to me? My email is

    [email protected] /* */

    Skins list!:

    Zhong Kui - King of Ghosts

    Apollo - Slickshot

    Artemis - Stalker

    Isis - Guardian Eternal

    Loki - SSSlither

    Ne Zha - Blue Lotus

    Neith - Mischievous

    Ra - Solar Eclipse

    Ra - Alienware

    Ymir - Cacodemon

    Favor: 7887

    Gems: 0

    Mastery Level: 4


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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