5* 4/7 sk 40 obi jm 4/7 sk 40 deka 4/7 sk 40 gg ec 4/7 dooku sl 4/7 dooku dl 8/15 r2 Base nute x3 Base old sid Base emp palp Base jango tow x2 Base dooku dl Base ggls Base gg ec Base Vader DU Base Vader moe x2 Base han qd Base Luke mod Base Bossk Base droideka Base Cad Base Pong Base old jabba Base boba trh Base old tarkin Base Luke hte Base Rancor Locked old luke base 4*and 3* 4/7 aura sniper x3 4/7 sk 40 r2 4/7 sk 40 mundi 4/7 dooku 8/15 ds cody 4/7 sk 40 cin 8/15 sk 40 veers x2 4/7 sk 12 veers 8/15 dd13 x3 8/15 obi pad 8/15 sk 40 bib majordomo 4/7 sk 40 yoda Base Bariss 4/7 ls gree x2 8/15 sk 30 rieekan 8/15 agen 4/7 sk 29 Finn 4/7 sk 40 bail A ton of base 4* and some 3*, 1.8 mil credits, about 50 remotes, level 27, name change and stat reset possible. Looking for a good offer, pm on here or on the line app my id is the same for an offer. I'm looking for about $150 for it (#)