Sold Account for sale: OCE servers with many skins...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by John Wee, 10/17/13.

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  1. John Wee

    John Wee
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    Account for sale: OCE servers with many skins and over 10 rune pages. Currently in B4. Justicar Aatrox Foxfire Ahri Infernal Alistar Frostfire Annie Arctic Warefare Caitlyn Soul Reaver Draven Death Blossom Elise Frosted Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal Mafia Graves Commando Jarvan Dragon Slayer Jarvan Warring Kingdoms Debonair Jayce Mafia Jinx Deadly Kennen Mecha Kha'Zix Dragon Fist Lee Sin Wicked Lulu Dragon Trainer Lulu Dreadknight Nasus Frozen Terror Nocturne Nunu # Bladecraft Orianna Tribal Ryze Warlord Shen Guqin Sona Deep Terror Thresh Vindicator Vayne Dragonslayer Vayne Blood Lord Vladimir Shockblade Zed Wildfire Zyra PM me for more details! May be willing to pay for server transfer.
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  2. OP
    Thomas Lindstrøm Bendixen

    Thomas Lindstrøm Bendixen
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    Any free transfers? and how much if u should pay for a transfer to Euw? :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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