ACCOUNT FOR SALE NACO #441 Power: 46.5B Troop Count: 358M T4/ADV T4 Traps: 270K T4 Commander Level: 64 VIP Level: 104 Power Rank In State: 146 Buildings: Monument Black Market Speed Up Factory L10 Vault L6 Troop Academy L15 Combat Lab L20 Covert Ops Center L3 Shooting Range Ultimate Attack Mode Research: 10B Total Research Power First 7 trees pretty much done Battle Tactics and below 80% done Gold: 2.3M Speed ups: About 300K days Rss 100-200B of each DBC Price: 200$ Contact VIA LINE app LINE ID: killergorrila55 Payment method: Paypal Willing to use middle man account selling service if need be. The state of NACO is UNDEFEATED in KE