I really love this game. Selling my cards in good hands All cards propper. 5* 4/7 cards: Anakin TCO Anakin DW sk 40 Obi-Wan JM sk 40 Jar Jar GS sk 40 Saber Yoda Yoda EOD x2 Luminara sk 40 (Non-tradable) Han Solo old Luke old Lando old sk 20 5* 8/15 card: Luke May the 4th (Non-tradable) 5* base cards: Padme SAW Padme SAW (Non-tradable) Saber Yoda (Non-tradable) General Grievous old (Non-tradable) BB-8 x2 BB-8 x2 (Non tradable) Important 4* and 3* 8/15 cards: Barriss healer x2 (one is 7/13) Mundi sk 40 General Rieekan sk 40 Bail sk 40 x2 (one is 7/13) Panaka Sniper x3 Shaak Ti Chewbacca Mechanic (is 7/13) Nexu (4/7) Reek (4/7) 4* 8/15 cards: Kit Fisto Obi-Wan Padawan Anakin Child Adi Gallia Ben Kenobi Mace Windu Agen Kolar Luminara CC Bly LS CC Bacara LS sk 10 + Lots 4* bases and evos cards. + Lots 3* 8/15, evos and bases cards Support Deck: Character Card HP up lv. 5 Prep Skill Trigger Up lv. 4 I will answer for any questions. Please write msg here or on my mail: [email protected] Think, tell me your price.. and May the Force be with you! Rass Vet