Selling Account for sale - 550$ - Blueprints lvl max of...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mark Schrdr, 5/30/15.

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  1. Mark Schrdr

    Mark Schrdr
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    Account for sale - 550$ - Blueprints lvl max of all good vehicles but scimitar (lvl 3), Good parts on stock, 8 hangar spots, 181 crystals, lvl 75, darkside, 1,4 mio credits Cards: 4x atat pilot 8/15 sk1 Old aurra sing 4* 8/15 Cc cody ds 4* gold evo 2 sk1 2x clone pilot 8/15 – base, evo1 and evo2 gold Dark eye probe droid 4/7 sk6 Dak ralter evo 2 gold, base and evo1 Darth maul 3* pilot 8/15 Maul rots 4/7 Vader ds 4* 8/15 Cracken base Veers 8/15 sk40 Veers 8/15 sk11 Han bob base, gold evo2, evo1 Jarjar gs 4/7 sk 40 Lott dod sk11 Mas amedda 5/9 sk40 R2 4* pilot 8/15 R2 mech base R2q5 8/15 sk16 Tiin 8/15 Sim alloo 8/15 sk23 Scp 5* 4/7 sk40 Scp 4* 8/15 sk 40 Tie pilot 8/15 And some other stuff Tickets: Gold 5x ss: 4 Gold 3x ss: 5 Gold 2x ss: 6 Platinum ss: 4 Gold ss: 6 Gold 3x: 2 Gold 2x: 3 Platinum: 3 Gold: 29 Silver: 96
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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