I haven't played in a good while, and I didn't complete a lot of the EX content, so Chapter 4 is entirely unstarted and EX stuff difficult. Before I was committed, but not hardcore or anything, and I was also totally F2P, so everything here was ground out by time or luck. Here's the full list of "Friends" And here's the most important resources. I was always a bit of a paper doll hoarder... I hit the overflow on coins, but I don't know by how much. If you do a lot of grinding for resources coins are the easiest to recieve, anyway. And costumes, if you're into that. I got the Ring version for Patchouli, but other than that nothing too interesting. Mostly I just want to move this account on, because I put a whole lot of time into it a long while ago and I don't want it to go to waste.