Selling   Account Epic Games + First Mail All at 2000 + All Skills + 100 Prestige + Legacy

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by trendata, 12/23/22.

  1. trendata

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Gold Status: This user has successfully completed 50+ middleman transactions

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    Welcome to our store,
    We have the biggest selection of gaming accounts on market!

    ✅ Is it safe to buy accounts from our store?
    ✅ Yes it is absolutely safe & secure to buy accounts from our store. They comes from the original account owner and have been

    checked and tested before they are put into sale.

    ️ After payment, you get:
    An Epic Games Store account with the purchased Dead by Daylight game!

    ℹ️ Account information ℹ️

    ► Epic Games Store account with Dead by Daylight game purchased
    ► Epic Games Store login/password
    ► Login Password/Password to login to First Mail from Account with Receipts
    ► Clean account with no Game locks
    Account will never be restored

    You will be the first and only owner of this account.
    Before each launch of the game you will have to run a special utility, in order for a boost to occur in the game. The utility is issued forever.

    Check our Store for more offers

    ⭐️ If you have any questions about the product, please PM me on website!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.