Sold Account Elyon Slayer Gunner Archer

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Diamante1988, 1/21/22.

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  1. Diamante1988

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    Hola Guys, I'm selling my Elyon account EU Andromeda !!!

    Server EU: Andromeda

    Faction: Ontari

    Luminous: 3 (Corona T5, Altar T4 and Shield T5)

    Pet: 3 (Premium T4, Normal T4 and CatArmor T3)

    Lv PG:

    - Slayer46 595GS Main PG

    - Gunner45 540GS

    - Archer45 549GS

    - Slayer42 338GS DungeonPG

    Slayer (main PG), Gunner and Archer all have skills (blue and purple) unlocked!

    Slayer and Gunner exchange part of the Tier4 / 5 runes to complete the Builds

    I sell for 200 € no less, I only accept...

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