Selling  Average Account available after rich bge

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JD91, 3/22/21.

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  1. JD91

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    My Location:
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    3 year old account. Strong decks for every bge except toy. Has 85k golden turds that I was saving to invest further into rich. Has a 3 of the strongest leg pcs in the game. After the next 2 clashes will have enough for an sms pull and mythic item pull. Characters and items listed below.

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  2. OP

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    My Location:
    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | left
    3 | Cigarette Addicts | 0
    3 | Let's Go Fart | 0
    2 | $300 Knife | 0
    2 | Art of War | 0
    2 | Assassin Bender | 0
    2 | Bad Tina | 0
    2 | Balloon Fight | 0
    2 | Balloon Tosser | 0
    2 | Brainwashed Hayley | 0
    2 | Burgerboss Bob | 0
    2 | Cadet Hill | 0
    2 | Chicken Fight | 0
    2 | Christmas Punchout | 0
    2 | Class Spanker | 0
    2 | Country Club Stan | 0
    2 | Crack Addict Stan | 0
    2 | Devil Bobby | 0
    2 | Devil Hank | 0
    2 | Diarama Gene | 0
    2 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    2 | Dog Bone Stan | 0
    2 | Dog Lois | 0
    2 | Dr. Bobbenstein | 0
    2 | Drunk Peggy | 0
    2 | Drunk Peter | 5
    2 | Drunk Stan | 0
    2 | Fry's Painting | 0
    2 | Gaga Ball | 0
    2 | Garbage Shot Linda | 0
    2 | Hammer Olympian | 0
    2 | Hangover Nightmare | 0
    2 | Heckler Zoidberg | 0
    2 | High School Bill | 10
    2 | Hipster Donald | 0
    2 | Humplings | 0
    2 | Jealous Bobby | 0
    2 | Karate Stewie | 0
    2 | Katz | 0
    2 | Laser Gun Stewie | 5
    2 | Laser Tag Brian | 0
    2 | Lobster Wedding | 0
    2 | Love Potion | 5
    2 | Magazine Cover Zapp | 0
    2 | Martian Calendar | 0
    2 | Max Jets | 0
    2 | Medicated Stewie | 0
    2 | More Forever | 0
    2 | Nun Peggy | 0
    2 | Paddlin' Peggy | 0
    2 | Party All the Time | 0
    2 | Pigeon Bill | 0
    2 | Princess Little Piddles | 0
    2 | Reverse Stink Hold | 15
    2 | Ricky Spanish | 0
    2 | Santa Addict Meg | 0
    2 | Sex Ed Peter | 0
    2 | Shoplift Addict | 0
    2 | Sketch Artist Dale | 0
    2 | Smoke Bomb | 0
    2 | Swat Bob | 0
    2 | The Billdozer | 0
    2 | Trippy Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Unsharp Scissors Zapp | 0
    2 | Viking Peter | 0
    2 | War Horse | 0
    2 | Whale Hunter Amy | 0
    2 | Whiskey Drunk Brian | 0
    2 | Wingnut Amy | 0
    1 | Anally Defaced | 15
    1 | Ancient Cave Writing | 5
    1 | Baby Duck Stewie | 5
    1 | Bacon Weight | 0
    1 | Baseball Chris | 5
    1 | Battle Axe Peggy | 5
    1 | Bending School Grad | 5
    1 | Burger Addict Teddy | 5
    1 | Burobu Addict | 15
    1 | Butt Fever | 0
    1 | Butt Toucher Tina | 5
    1 | Cham-Pag-En Zapp | 0
    1 | Chef Cat Munchies | 15
    1 | Children's Author | 5
    1 | Claw-Plach | 5
    1 | Clobberella | 5
    1 | Contact High Stewie | 0
    1 | Count of Monty Hall | 5
    1 | Counting Klaus | 5
    1 | CrippleTron | 0
    1 | Dancing Cans | 5
    1 | Doghouse Bobby | 5
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter | 10
    1 | Draw Me Gene | 0
    1 | Dream Guitar | 5
    1 | Dream Millionaire | 15
    1 | Drummer Roger | 10
    1 | Drunk Fry | 5
    1 | Drunk Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Evening Beer Dale | 0
    1 | Fake Son Gene | 5
    1 | Fart in a Jar | 5
    1 | Finch Leela | 5
    1 | Food Addict Leela | 5
    1 | Golfer Amy | 5
    1 | Guinea Pig in Space | 15
    1 | Horse Whisperer Joe | 5
    1 | Hose to the Head | 5
    1 | Hot Cocoa Gene | 5
    1 | I am Mona | 5
    1 | Joy of Painting | 5
    1 | Junkie Hank | 5
    1 | Junkie Peggy | 5
    1 | Lab Student Meg | 5
    1 | Laser Razor | 5
    1 | Laser Tag Joe | 5
    1 | Let's Get Nuts | 5
    1 | Lord Griffin | 5
    1 | More Anchovies | 10
    1 | Music Video Stewie | 5
    1 | Nacho Addict Bender | 15
    1 | Nasal Spray Peter | 15
    1 | Nurse Tina | 5
    1 | Obedience School Brian | 5
    1 | Oil Receipts | 5
    1 | Oktoberfest Leela | 5
    1 | One Man Musical | 5
    1 | Paintball Bill | 5
    1 | Painting Class Joe | 5
    1 | Painting Montage Joe | 5
    1 | Pirate Cannon Peter | 0
    1 | Prom Luanne | 15
    1 | Propaniac Dale | 5
    1 | QB Boomhauer | 5
    1 | Rooftop Drunk | 5
    1 | Sandwitch | 5
    1 | Santa Killer Hayley | 5
    1 | Screen Repairer | 0
    1 | Skiing Leela | 5
    1 | Skiing Zoidberg | 5
    1 | Sledding Gene | 0
    1 | Softball Bill | 5
    1 | Squirrel Death | 5
    1 | Summer Guy | 5
    1 | Super Dance Squad | 5
    1 | Swole Joe | 10
    1 | Tainted Alamo | 5
    1 | Tattoo Stan | 5
    1 | Toga Bill | 5
    1 | Tree | 5
    1 | Two Butt Goat | 5
    1 | VIP Chris | 5
    1 | VIP Cruise | 5
    1 | Washboard Bender | 5
    1 | Wild Brian | 5
    1 | Yacht Club | 5
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Nixons: 193524/500000
    Turds: 86564
    Watts: 3810/25000
    WW: 1987/30000
    Gems: 2560

    Energy Refill +5: 50
    Arena Refill +5: 190
    Arena Refill +10: 80

    Mythic Stone: 346
    Legendary Stone: 149
    Power Stone: 450
    Mastery Stone: 10700
    Greater Epic Stone: 4598
    Super Mythic Stone: 635
    Mythic Object Stone: 825
    Character Stone: 500

    Peter Fragment: 35
    Joe Fragment: 30
    Lois Fragment: 15
    Chris Fragment: 25
    Stan Fragment: 25
    Hayley Fragment: 9
    Roger Fragment: 55
    Anti-Seizure Meds Fragment: 90
    Steve Fragment: 5
    Bob Fragment: 35
    Teddy Fragment: 25
    Gene Fragment: 15
    Jimmy Jr. Fragment: 15
    Peggy Fragment: 75
    Dale Fragment: 11
    Bobby Fragment: 15
    Zoidberg Fragment: 3
    Professor Farnsworth Fragment: 15
    Bender Fragment: 20
    Fry Fragment: 60
    Wong Casino Fragment: 15

    Research Speedup +1: 42
    Research Speedup +8: 4
    Research Speedup +24: 115
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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