Sold A2+Rinyuu Starter!21ssr Cyrus Therion Alfyn Ophilia Krauser Lynette Lars etc

Discussion in 'Octopath Traveler Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CeilJohn, 11/15/23.

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  1. CeilJohn

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    My Location:
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    5*(Lynette,Soleil,9S,A2,Stead,Millard,Alfyn x2,Heathcote,Lumis,Cyrus,Therion,Krauser,Rinyuu),4.5*(Tressa,Lars,Ophilia,Therese,Molu,Sofia,Eliza),3*(Serenoa)
    *Serenoa can promote to 5 star by farming upgrade material
    Global Server, Tutorial only, Story Progression= 0%
    141+ ruby, 65 ticket
    Have 1 Veteran Seal (Guarantee 1x random 5 Star Unit)

    21 SSR Starter with 20 unique SSR including 4 Limited Unit (9S,A2=Nier Limited)+(Rinyuu,Krauser=Memory Limited), Super Quality (many meta)+ Super Quantity (many different unit) !
    come with unarguably 2 best Limited Unit A2+Rinyuu!

    Also have 4 best unit from OT1 (Cyrus+Ophilia+Alfyn+Therion)
    Don't forget you can can get 1 more 5 star using veteran ticket!

    Account highlight:
    GODLY best Meta Rinyuu (able to buff/heal the team from back row, INSANE Usefulness + INSANE QOL. still the Priority No1 unit in JP Server, game changing best unit!)
    Broken DPS A2 (Top1 DPS in game, OP Boss killer!)
    T0 DPS/Breaker Therion with OP 4 hit AOE Shieldcrack (also have 6 hit Dagger, 520 nuke etc, top tier future proof unit!)
    T0 best DPS Cyrus (hit multiple weakness, have triple hit AOE, BEST for both Farming n Boss fight, huge boost for gaming experience)
    Best Defensive Healer Ophilia (Heal+defensive buff, widely use in high difficulty content where Rinyuu is not enough)
    Crazy best supporter Alfyn (restore team BP, Regen heal,Revive,apply buff,break/deal Nuke damage,last stand at 1HP, what he can't do?!)
    * Aflyn have dupe=sweet 30% stat up, more damage more healing more HP!
    T0 Best Buffer Lynette (still irreplaceable buffer in JP Server!)
    Top Sword DPS Lars (with high hit count + act first skill, top tier future proof sword DPS)
    Super Spear DPS Krauser (Tricky to use but have SUPER HIGH spear DPS)

    Account Resources:
    Have anniversary limited accessory : Anniversary Scarf (S Tier Accesorry, 365HP Regen Heal) (not longer obtainable!)
    Have rare rank up item for Warrior/Merchant/Hunter (4.5 star unit to 5 star)
    4.8 Million + money to buy useful equipment from NPC (like accessory that lower encounter rate)

    Discord: ceijohn#5164 (or PM here)
    Beware of Scammer and impersonator in Discord! I will never add you or talk to you first in Discord!
    #1 CeilJohn, 11/15/23
    Last edited: 11/15/23
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