Slv15 Katar slv1 gs lv98 lance lv91 bard lv80 holysword 425 slot inventory (19x 20slot 1x 15slot backpack) full holy chest ( 9x +30 weapon) 3.5kg (cash) +100k gold worth to sell items in inventory (2nd page on inventory /mostly eido eggs/) 93 / 101 eidos 17500+ eido archive point 9.5m eido pts eido wishes - breaktrough = will upload screenshot 4x pen eido pet ( 7day ) waiting in inventory full gold masteries /orange shuriken wind mastery/ weapon mastery 70/70 ''iwanagahime-urd-skuld is [2 star] - otohime [1 star] ''if u link them to 4 star will get 15 pen so 78 (main pen) + 15 + 3 (from pet) + 3 (from potion) and + 24 from katar = 123 will be cap pen for katar no lp-voucher left +1000 healing potion in bank full slv1 fish hp gear gold diamond knife (cook lv10) costumes boss dmg+12 hair - dmg%6 facemask -- +cdmg20 boss costume -- dmg%6 ornament -- flame%12 weapon costume have 2x allstats%20 mount 'about gears' weapon cards are not dualdrive just slv1 max hp - crit card other all cards are spd-crit slv1 cards have dmg%10 - flamedmg%17 mspd%12 dark-storm-flame ele against dmg %17 Emblems '+8x custom katar costume' costume archive 122 head 35 face 218 costume 51 ornament 72 costume weapon 64 mount 100 house furniture 36 pet