A top 500 dps overwatch acc. lvl 871, 4.2k sr, many gold guns

Discussion in 'Roblox Other Accounts | Roblox Accounts Sale' started by General Forums &, 10/17/19.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    just wanted to see how much ppl would pay for it.

    it's a top 500 dps this season so far.
    sr peak was 4.4k or 4.3k i dont remember
    was top 500 in a few other seasons before it dropped out of top 500
    lvl 871 or so
    lots of gold guns (hanzo, mcree, roadhog, rein, zenyata, mercy, tracer, dva, soldier, ashe, and more i think. idk)
    lots of skins

    just want an estimate. this is my main and was curious.
    i also have 2 alts i might sell
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