Selling A.S to all i have account war commnader id...

Discussion in 'War Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arham Ali, 2/16/14.

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  1. Arham Ali

    Arham Ali
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    A.S to all i have account war commnader id 21573174 theri detail is elite rifleman galtlig truck mmine factory rhino lvl7 pladins razorok Dron silo lvl3for more information cobra lvl 4 thunder attckdog lvl 3 suicide bomber lvl4 sniper lvl1 commnade center lvl 4 storge to 1,000,000 bunkerlvl one blue morters teach center lvl 5 mine faaaactory lvl 1 gogobar lvl 1 thorium storage lvl1 prize is 15,000 any lessment is in direct call our chat in fb 7 to9 pm thanksyou for over more informaation or buy this account contact us 03218953138 aur caht me [email protected] 7to 9 pm only iam online iam waiting thisofferis for all
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