A little help

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I just started playing gbna/gbr and i'm dirt poor. i'm playin and playing and playing and i barely have enough to afford anything :(. i guess i'm not too good

    i was wondering if anyone can maybe send me something or w/e that you don't need. my accnt is sleepyxtreme

    i can give you some of the programs i've made (not hacks) that are kinda cool.I made a program that hides all of the open windows with a keypress so if ur looking at a ton of internet sites and talking on aim and someone walks in that u don't want to see any of it you can just press the keybind and it hides all of them, then when the person goes away u can press another keybind to bring it all back.

    what other programs do u have? :l

    well i can make any kind of program that automates something. I can make a "#" that basically makes someone's computer do funky things ie open and close cd trays, turn caps lock on and off, send keypresses, any number of things. it's not really a # cause after like 2 minutes i add in somekind of notice or something so it's really more of a prank program kinda thing.

    do u know how to photoshop?

    Yes. I have photoshop cs2 and i've been using it for some time now

    do you have aim? we can discuss something
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