Two chars - Both Female 1st Char -Has a spaced name, ie "Bob Bobson", did not use hacks to get. -Has prems, 2 sets and others mixed in and an iron crow -80% k/d -Level 37 2nd Char -A space name again, hacks not used -92% k/d -Level 18. I will sell the account for $10-$15 Paypal only. MSN - What's the censored armor? Err, Gray Dust or something. It's nothing special, just omitting for safety. Hmm.. Will you accept gcoins for it? No, I quit GunZ awhile ago, and this account has been sitting around mostly. Paypal or Flyff items, Mia server. Up up up up Op . Originally Posted by IMissYou Op . Lolwut? o.o Plenty of time to try and sell. [: Up to the top.