Sold 9x80, 3 Legendary, 50 pvp, 400 wvwvw, 9k achiv, worth 50k gold, account since

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kingdragan, 12/1/16.

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  1. kingdragan

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    Account since beta 3 year gifts

    Today i would like to sell my guild wars account wich is preety high end. You will find on this account all class including revenant.

    Many gemstore items: silver feed o matic, perm royal pass, unlimited tools (watchwork) and many more.

    All characters have gear, one of them have all bags unlocked.

    You have also 5 bank tabs and addiotan 2 guild stash.


    42 MASTERY LVL - all road to precursors unclocked, pact tyria unlocked, and few maguma

    Many costumes: all hallowen, balthazar regalia... etc.

    Unique skins and dyes (most expensive ones) like molten jetpack (5k gold), dreamsthile, molten dagger... etc. Electro blue etc.

    Commander tag, all crafts

    120 mf

    many finishers,

    Wallet: Gold
    2,378 46 62 2,378 46 62 2,378 46 62
    4,143 91 86 76 25 48 51 07 18
    Shared Inventory
    135 10 00 0 0
    Material Storage
    137 07 43 71 24 05 60 11 31
    Tradingpost: Buy orders
    0 0 0
    Tradingpost: Sell orders
    6 16 90 5 55 21 2 50 44
    Unlocked skins
    9,426 79 83
    including items in inventories:
    19,667 14 69
    - -
    Unlocked dyes
    2,004 96 78 - -
    Unlocked miniatures
    478 40 61 - -
    Unlocked outfits
    665 66 50 - -
    Unlocked finishers
    81 99 89 - -
    Unlocked recipes
    348 80 97 - -
    Account upgrades
    1,840 14 00 - -

    80 Norn 74 93 20 5 95 72 4 03 08

    80 Human 93 05 37 28 42 17 24

    80 Sylvari 56 46 46 4 55 38 02

    80 Human 764 73 20 58 57 35 46 68 58

    80 Asura 400 27 92 7 18 36 5 09 25

    80 Charr 314 84 86 2 90 01 1 89 93

    80 Human 25 23 16 5 02 08 3 35 27

    80 Human 7,040 91 08 134 75 00 107 66 79

    80 Norn 201 21 09 5 25 54 3 79 06

    Account Value
    30,619 17 73

    24,377k gold gemstore items

    Contact via Facebook.:
    I will give you api key to gw2 effinency.

    Price: offer but not less than 500 euro.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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