Selling  High End  9K Legion|VacPet|11bossmule Kronos 280x 184mC Liberated NightWalker OG email

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Chatyu seng, 3/3/25 at 10:15 AM.

  1. Chatyu seng

    Chatyu seng
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    Ride Or Die Legion Block Legacy Shade Title Vac Pet on Night walker 20% Boss, 40%Boss and 6 Attk Familiars Large Healing Party and Self Familiars Auto Steal and Large Drop Familiars Complete With Meso and Drop Gear accessories for farming 3 Line Attk Secondary
    22* eyepatch 22* CRA22* Slime and Kanna Ring 22* Superior Belt and Earring 22* Dom Pendant22* Arcane Gloves Will Book Has 11 Boss Nlomien Mules 17b + Mesos / Week on boss mules
    Night Walker (main) - Solo Upto Ctene
    230 Zero With 22* Weapon Ready = nlomien
    252 MarksMan = upto eluwill
    261 Demon Slayer(3/8 Libbed) = up to eluwill 260 Hero(1/8 Libbed) = up to eluwill 260 Shade = up to eluwill 220 Dawn Warrior = nlomien 220 Battle mage = nlomien 220 Lynn = nlomien
    220 Angelic Buster = nlomie 220 Bow Master = nlomien 220 Wind Archer = nlomien

    contact me Discord: klevhyn72
    gmail: [email protected]