Selling 96 Rogue .. 7200 AA .. Full T4 VoA + RoF T1 .....

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/8/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    96 Rogue .. 7200 AA .. Full T4 VoA + RoF T1 .. Epic 2.0 .. Firiona Vie .. 1300+ feedback! This is a fantastic deal. You will get a partially VoA t3/t4 raid geared level 100 Beastlord with a little over 5250 AA's. The rest of his gear is t1/t2 RoF groupable gear. He has never been transferred, and there is also $50 of SC left on the account to both change his name/race and transfer him! This is perfect for someone looked to box an extra dps class, and he does have very good dps at that. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Also, I started this account back when Velious just came out so I have no idea of where the original CD key is, but I am the original owner. 100 Beastlord going Cheap! Can be Transferred across servers and still has $50 of SC to do it!! Hello! I have for sale my level 96 male halfling Rogue on the Firiona Vie server. Fully VoA t4 and RoF t1 group geared. Magelo profile is authentic besides the name. Please bid with confidence. I have been selling here for more than 10 years. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you! - 96 Rogue; male halfling - Gold subscribed until March 2, 2013 - All expansions (19/19) - Magelo: Rogue -
    Halfling Rogue [Firiona Vie]
    - More than 100,000 platinum on the account - 300 ALL trade skills! - Tier 5 journeyman mercenary - 7200+ AA points - Every single leadership AA - Alaran language is at 90 - Epic 2.0 - 100 station cash - 398 loyalty tokens - Lots rank 3 tomes - Over-haste, shrink and levitate clickys - Recent name change, virtually unknown. - Lots of unique titles and suffixes - 24 illusions - 3 unique mounts - Very decent augment set equipped This character is NOT TRANSFERABLE due to being on the Firiona Vie server. Sony only allows transfers to Firiona Vie, not from. I can't remove the "transferable" icon because playerup adds it to the auction by default and there is no way to remove it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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