I am looking to trade my 94 Sk and 90 Mage (on the same account, theres also a 80ish mage in another server, forgot where though lol). 90 sk has 3745 aa's, can swarm easily, 90 mage with 170ish aa's not the best gear for the mage. The Sk has very nice gear, usually at 52k unbuffed with 4.5k ac, has t5 mercs, and about 5.5k worth of Station Cash. TONS of clickes. Looking for a Good Diablo 3 account with a Nice WOW account linked with it, If you are interested in buying, i would be more than happy to sell. Now i do know that these type of account usually sell for HUNDREDS (last i saw, similar account is dam near $400), but since I am not the original owner (I do have the secret question and know the original owner) I would be more than happy to sell this account for $175 (if you want to pay for , that's cool as well). I am Verified by Paypal and have done multiple transactions in this website (even got scammed once). I will give you my cell number along with my personal email so you can feel safe and secure. If you want to see the character in game, I would be more than happy to do so.