Selling   93+M Skills PvP Focussed 89.6% Kill Ratio, Carrier/Dreadnought/BlackOps 32Billion assets inc. 9B ISK

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Yegs, 5/8/19.

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  1. Yegs

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    Born in March 2010 this character quickly was introduced to a blood thirsty Corp and for 5 years focused on small gang, mid-sized fleets and capital warfare. Was in same corp for 9 years, just left to sell but character not played for 4 years. No politics, bad blood or tarnished rep. Does have -2.3 sec status.
    Started as an Amarr specialist but trained well in many ship options.

    89.6% kill ratio :) can you get it to 90%??


    Net Worth 31B total assets inc. 9B ISK in wallet

    93,800,000 skill points, 256K in un-allocated skills with full neural remap available

    5 jumpclones inc. one for lv5 missions/incursions so has full set Alpha Implants

    Amarr titan ready - just need skill training

    Level 5 missions available from :-
    Ministry of War
    Intaki Space Police
    Amarr Certified News
    Archangles (had to get - great rewards)

    16 fully fitted ships just in Ostingle alone (photo below) all T2 fitted for PvP (PvE ship is faction fitted)
    All ships fully loaded with ammo, scripts, cap boosters all the goodies for PvP :)
    Few worthy mentions...
    Apocalypse Navy Issue

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Also have big base in Vestouve plus have many other ships & modules scattered over the verse in 0.0
    So if roaming around and ships dies, you're likely to have a fully fitted ship nearby. :)

    Looking to transfer this Character only and will pay the CCP transfer fee - you only need an account with one character slot available.
    #1 Yegs, 5/8/19
    Last edited: 5/8/19
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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