Selling Fun Run 3 Account! - By Colo Rating: Elite Prestige 3, Level 2 8 Animals: Griffin, Pallas, Mouse, Armadillo, Camel, Bear, Squirrel, Fox 7 Skins: Meadow Direwolf, Golden Griffin, Grey Seal, Great Eared Owl, Strawberry Corgi, Cross Fox, Albino Sphinx, Silver Fox 25 Head Items: Bucket Hat, LED Helmet, Funazon Headband, Cherry Blossom Crown, Byte Bandit Hood, Speed Demon Helmet, Speed Demon Helmet remix, Funazon Headband remix, Sandstrider Hood, Sakura Samurai Helmet, Sakura Samurai Helmet remix, Orchid Core Helmet, Short Blue Hair, Sunrider Helmet, Sunflower Head, Sailor Hat, Snowboard Helmet, Woolen Hat, Bomber Hat, Ear Muffs, Colorful Woolen Hat, Red Bandana, Rolled Beanie, Cherry Blossom Snapback, Cherry Blossom Snapback remix 18 Glasses: Byte Handit HMD, Golden Bunny Shutters, Roman Mask, LED Glasses, White Shades, Viking Mask, Frost Mask, Funazon Visor remix, Black Shades, Smarty Pants, Ballistic Glasses, Matrix, Blindfold, Colorful Shades, Reptilian Glasses, Yellow Shades, Round Glasses, Eye Patch 26 Neck Items: Sandstrider Scarf, Jetpilot Harness, Orchid Core Wings, LED Neck Guard, Scarf, Tooth Necklace, Fanny Pack, Blaster Pauldrons, Sakura Samurai Brace, Sakura Samurai Brace remix, Gold Bow Tie, Roman Necklace, Fur Pelt, Black Bow Tie, Lei, Sailor Neckerchief, Clown Choker, Snowboard Scarf, Woolen Scarf, Valiant Collar, Green Scarf, Patch Bag, Byte Bandit Necklace, Speed Demon Necklace, Speed Demon Necklace remix, Chain & Lock 32 Shirts: Punk Jacket, Cowgirl Dress, Biker Jacket, Cherry Blossom Dress remix, Orange Overall Dress, Frostbyte Armor, Byte Bandit Jacket, Speed Demon Jacket, Speed Demon Jacket remix, Funazon Armor remix, Sandstrider Robe, Sakura Samurai Armor, Sakura Samurai Armor remix, Orchid Core Suit, Flower Blazer, Viking Tunic, Chef's Uniform, Basketball Jersey, Woolen Sweater, Light Blue Shirt, Wetsuit, Frost Elf Tunic, Winter Coat, UFO T-Shirt, Cherry Blossom T-Shirt, Varsity Jacket, Poet Shirt, Sunrider Jacket, Golden T-Shirt, Batik T-Shirt, White T-Shirt, Black Shirt 27 Hand Items: Sakura Samurai Naginata, Sakura Samurai Naginata remix, Scepter, Teapot, Frost Bow, Speed Demon Blaster, Fiery Bow remix, Sandstrider Stick, Viking Axe, Valiant Scimitar, Hot Beverage, Gladius, Wrench, Scissors, Pitch Fork, Book, Snowball, Spinner, Meat Cleaver, Bell, Fire Extinguisher, Spade, Slingshot, Snow Shovel, Sabre, Candy Cane, Bouy 36 Boots: Speed Demon Boots, Motocross Longboard, Gold Boot & Peg Leg, Tribal Shoes, High-Heeled Cowboy Boots, Nutcracker Boots, Wedge Heels, Cosmonk Boots, Galazy Heels, Byte Bandit Sneakers, Sakura Samurai Shoes, Sakura Samurai Shoes remix, Orchid Core Shoes, Rocket Boots, Gold Sneakers, Skateboard, Fur Boots, Roman Sandals, Buckled Shoes, Army Boots, Black Sneakers, Shoes with Spats, Banded Sneakers, Black Ballerina Flats, Sailor Shoes, Yellow Rubber Boots, Solar Greaves, Vala Boots, Chunky Sneakers, Biker Boots, Funazon Boots, Sandstrider Sandals, Sunrider Sneakers, White Sneakers, Socks, Summer Shoes 2v2 Games: 7277 2v2 Wins: 5323 2v2 Win Rate: 73.15% Best Rating: 62.86k Best Placement: 658 Games: 2124 Kills: 7422 Win Rate: 54.14% Legendary Rating: 4919 Legendary Arena: 28.6k Please do not hesitate to ask any questions! <3 Instagram.: @colo_fr3 Telegram: @colo_fr Email: [email protected]