Selling 9 LEVEL 85'S FOR SALE, and a 71 priest. i have all...

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Willie Myers, 2/19/11.

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  1. Willie Myers

    Willie Myers
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    9 LEVEL 85'S FOR SALE, and a 71 priest. i have all professions at 450ish, some more, some less. 50k gold, all characters are different classes, all in same guild i own. pst for more info. 1000$ o.b.o
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    Willie Myers

    Willie Myers
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    baby says if i sell it, i can buy a motorcycle... SO THIS THING IS GOING FAST lol
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  3. OP
    Willie Myers

    Willie Myers
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    price lowered, 600. sell baby sell ! still wantin a m109r :)
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