7 HEROICS: yggdrasil, nebula, white queen, raven, druid, nucleus, whisperer (4 A+, 3 lvl40. 1 lvl 30) 72 LEGENDARIES: 33 unhatched, 35 hatched, 4 summon ( there are A+ dragons here too) 7 TITANS: ice( A-, 1 star, lvl40), primal(A+, lvl40), electric(A+, lvl40), metal, sea, terra, light 2 VAMPIRES: gluttonous, prideful 2 YOUTUBER: dream, faze rug(unhatched) Lots of tokens 9k+ throphy 150 dragons only. more than half is heroic and legendary(82 legendary and 7 heroic) how epic is that? CHECK IT HERE: RaZe's flanell(alliance) Orange Possum 50(name)