Account will be sold through PayPal using Goods and Services. Contact my Discord, Fianceé#6673. I can send images through there, but images won’t get through here. — Hound IV, 35% WR Cobra IV, 100% WR 5V5 Rank I-III, 60% WR COSTUMES - Pioneer for Thief - Recluse for Seer - Reservist for Enchantress - Basil for First Officer - Misfit for Cowboy - Keyboard for Postman - Chaser of Time for Soul Weaver - Flying Guillotine for Wu Chang - Serpent for Dream Witch - EVENT Protector for Doctor - EVENT Peacock Dance for Priestess - EVENT The Client for Photographer ACCESSORIES - Fireproof Feather for Seer - Wish Bottle for First Officer - Closeness for Priestess - Dark Amulet for Feaster - EVENT Anniversary Cake - EVENT Spring Garland for Gardener - EVENT B Tier Mono Machine for Guard 26 MISC. - 10305 Recharge - 14 Danganronpa Portraits - 6 Horoscope Portraits - First Officer Dynamic Portrait - 5 Random EVENT Portraits - 4 Random EVENT Frames - Fully Decorated Room