SMITE Account for Sale! Statistics 385+ Skins 85 Gods Mastered Level 135+ Many limited and exclusive skins (unfortunately no t5s) Very good ranked history and AMAZING in-game name Season 4 Spring Masters 1 Duel S4 Spring Diamond 4 Joust S4 Spring Diamond 1 Conq I don't play smite much anymore and so want to get this account off of my hands. Asking $80+ (but ideally 100+ as I also really need the money) Limited: - Solid Hornet AMC - SWC 2017 AMATARASU - VICIOUS APOLLO - 2017 CHALLANGER APOLLO - EINHERJAR CHAAC - STORMJARL CHAAC - GRIFFINDWARF FAFNIR - VALKALLI KALI - BLOODJARK KALI - EXECUTIONER NEMESIS - MODERN MERCENARY NEMESIS - CONQUEROR NIKE - SUNSTAR RA - LAST COMMANDO RAMA - KING OF THE RING RAVANA - SUN WU XING SUN WUKONG - SWASHBUCKLER SUSANO - SPL 2015 (NA) (EU) XBALANQUE - IRON TYRANT XING TIAN - SOS 2017 BACCHUS + MANY OF THE ADVENTURES LIMITED SKINS You go first but you can pay 50% before and 50% after trade is complete Email: [email protected] for more details