I got my paypal ready and the account on a no-strings-attached email ready to hand over... Just hit me up on email, or we can go to discord if you think that is easier to discuss the sale. NA Server Account Asking Price: $80 (Medium of Exchange: Paypal, Price Status: #) Contact Information: [email protected] (Real email, just a fun name) WOTB: In Garage: STB-1 (W/Adamant) * Type-59 * FCM50T (W/ Titi & Zizou) * IS-6 Fearless ISU-152 * Type-62 (W/ Dragon Camo) * Su-122-44 * Su100y Cromwell B * Su-85i Valentine II PzS35 BT-SV D2 Pz2j D1 BT-7 Arty Tetarch FT-17 * *Tank has one of the limited time gold camos Account Comes With: ~100 days of premium -675 gold -Various Boosters and Certificates Account Statistics: Win Rate: 66% Battle Count: ~5,400 Average Damage: 1,500+ WN8: ~3000 WOWS: In Port: Graf Spee (w/ Special Camo) Blyskawica (W/ Special Camo) Schors Emerald Dougy Nurnberg Konig 300 Doubloons Assorted Special Event flags & Signal Flags