EU: 52% wr, 7.9k bonds, 3500gold, 170k free XP, all tech tree tanks unlocked, 80 tier X, 77 premium and special vehicles, obj. 907, Kpz 07 P(E), obj. 260, obj. 279e, obj. 452K, Lion, 114 SP2, Chieftain, Concept 1B, and 70 peaces of special equipment. Tier X: Kpz 07 P(E), obj. 907, obj. 260, obj. 279e, obj. 452K, obj. 780, obj. 268 V, M60, Foch 155, FV 215b, Chieftain, Lion, 114 SP2, 121B and all tech tree tier X Discord:JAXNORTENO Email: [email protected] 250$