Selling    Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Hoard accounts lvl 25 with 7 stars Kenobi, Traya, Solo - Dominate GAC, Squad and Fleet from day 1

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 12/15/19.

  1. QLC

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    What is a Hoard account?


    A "Hoard account" is a Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes account that has been saving (hoarding) resources (Energy, Gears, Crystals, Guild Store currency, Guild Evҽnts Store currency, Zetas, Omegas, Purple mats, Mod slice parts, Credits, etc.) during months and playing heroic T7 raids to unlock Han Solo, General Kenobi and Darth Traya, something that give an extra advantage against other players. Combined with the Hyperdrive Bundle it allows to assure always a good rank in the arena, you can easily be rank 1 in both arenas (Squad Arena and Fleet Arena) and get 900 full daily crystals. With these crystals you will be able to improve your roster faster than rest of players and assure continue being always in the top of the arenas.

    Hyperdrive Bundle

    hyperdrive_bundle_2.jpg hyperdrive_bundle.jpg

    To get enough advantage at the beginnig is needed buy the in-game Hyperdrive Bundle (from now "HB") (cost 100 dollars in USA), which combined with a Hoard account is the perfect start. The bundle will give you level 85 direclty with a collection of 5 stars characters and 5 stars ships. Includes Phoenix, Rebels, Jedis, Resistance, Imperial Troopers, First Order, Bounty Hunters, Sith, Nightsisters, Clones and Empire characters, plus Rebel, Republic Galactic, Bounty Hunters, First Order and Empire ships. You can check the complete list in the pic above. If you press in the pic it will be resized to full size. If you only buy the hoard, without this pack, you will be less competitive against the guys who bought it.
    #1 QLC, 12/15/19
    Last edited: 12/27/21
  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    This is an old thread and I can't edit the first message, so the first post is a little outdated, but from now you will see updated the info. The current price of the Hyperdrive Bundle is 50 USD, you will get easily rank 1 in fleet arena, which is 400 crystals, rest of crystals it depends of your results in Grand Arena.

    Hoarded resources

    My hoard accounts played raids until get all raid characters to 7 stars.

    hoard accounts have a price of
    65 USD. Is the cheapest price you will find. If some day someone who copied my system reduces the price, I will reduce more than him.



    Cantina Energy / Normal Energy / Crystals


    Normal Credits ("M" capital letter = millions)


    Fleet Credits


    Guild Evҽnts Store currency ("m" lower case = thousands)


    Guild Store currency


    Zetas / Omegas

    Purple mats

    Sim Tickets


    My accounts not have raids tockes mk1 because were built before the launch of this currency, but they have a lot of guild store tokens, which is not a common thing, as in other system where they copied my method they only have raid tokens mk1, but at the beginning is much more interesting the guild store currency than the raid tokens mk1, as with the guild store currency you can buy a lot of gears needed at the beginning that are not available by raid tokens mk1 and other gears that you can exchange in the scavenger by big amounts of carbonite circuit, bronzium wiring, transistors and heatsinks, in other methods you will miss a lot not have enough of these mats to put relics in your characters, but in my method you will have a lot of them, will be very quick improve the gears and the relics thanks to these hoarded resources.

    I apply an extra strategy, farming the interesting Guild Store characters not included in the HDB.

    The most interesting Guild Store characters (not included in the HDB) are:

    Papplo, Logray and Ewok Elder, to get C-3PO from the beginning if you farm Chirpa and Teebo in Cantina and the Galactic War Store. It will improve your Padmé team and have more options for different Republic Galactic, Rebel and Jedi teams.

    Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto, to promote Yoda to 7 stars from first day. You also will have General Kenobi and Barriss at 7 stars. The last Jedi could be Ahsoka, if you farm her in the Cantina Store, only will delay 4,5 days get her to 7 stars if you not buy store refreshes, or 3 days if you buy 2 store refreshes every day. Aayla and Kit Fisto are useful in Grand Arena, are very good in a Bastila team, so you can make a team with Jedi Knight Revan, Yoda and Jolee, another team with General Kenobi, Barriss, Ahsoka and Anakin and another team with Bastila, Ezra, Aayla, Kit Fisto and Old Ben, these 3 teams will be very good for Grand Arena on offense, will grant full banners, plus some extra banners, thanks to not be needed use full teams. Getting gear 7 or 8 on these characters will be enough to get 7 stars Grand Master Yoda from first day.

    B2 and IG-100, to get Padmé from first day, where is needed 5 Separatist. In the HDB only is included Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku, so you need another 3 characters. My accounts also include 7 stars Sun Fac, so from first day you will have 5 Separatist at minimum 5 stars, instead of only 2 of the HDB, and get Padmé from first day. Maybe to improve Padmé to 6 and 7 stars will be needed get Nute Gunray or improve the gears to gear 9 or 10, but at least from first day you can get her to 5 stars, so you can start using a team with 5 stars Padmé, 7 stars General Kenobi, 7 stars Yoda, 5 stars Anakin and 5 stars Ahsoka, who will be 7 stars with only 6 or 9 days. Anakin only will delay 1 month to be 7 stars.

    Starck is another interesting option to get faster R2-D2, who is needed for CLS. In the HDB is included the following Empire characters: Vader, TIE Fighter, Tarkin, Veers, Death Trooper, Shoretrooper, Snowtrooper and Stormtrooper, also you can get Palpatine from first day with 5 Rebels. The best is use Palpatine, Vader, TIE Fighter, Tarkin and Starck for this evҽnt, are the most easy options. Starck always appears in the same slot of the Guild Store, so is the easiest to farm.
    #2 QLC, 12/15/19
    Last edited: 2/21/25
  3. OP

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    Why is better the Hyperdrive Bundle with a Hoard account?

    In every new server a lot of players will buy the Hyperdrive Bundle and several packs, so if you simply buy the bundle, without buy a Hoard account, will be the same than before this bundle existed, you will be at same power than rest of players, with no advantage. A Hoard account give you a big amount of advantages that will make the difference against the players who simply bought the HB, and will make the game much more funnier:


    Zetas & Omegas: These accounts will start the server with 29 zetas and 16 omegas, which added up with the 10 zetas and 30 omegas of the HB, plus the 6 omegas from the achievements and the 2 zetas you can buy with the 5.000 Fleet Store currency from the HB, will be 45 zetas and 52 omegas, so enough to put 2 zetas and some omegas. With only 1 week you will be able to apply the third zeta.

    This will be a good advantage, because the rest of players, who simply bought the HB, will need 1 week to get the rest of 8 zetas for the first zeta, if they spend all Fleet Store currency to buy zetas. With the Ship Ability Materials challenge is 6 zetas per week, they will get enough Fleet Store currency with Fleet Arena rewards to buy another 2 zetas during the week, so they need wait around 7 days to start to use the first zeta, when with a Hoard account you will be able to apply directly 2 zetas at first day.

    The best initial teams are much more better with zetas,
    like a Bastila team, you can put zeta to the Bastila leader ability, the other one to the Yoda unique ability and when you unlock Jolee you will have the third zeta ready for him. If you apply my strategy about get Jedi Knight Revan with only 20 days, you can apply a first zeta to the Bastila leader ability, to have a good team while you get JKR, the second zeta to Jolee and save the third for JKR, when you unlock JKR you will have ready another 1 or 2 zetas for him.

    General Kenobi: Is a very good tank very hard to defeat and essential in a Bastila, Padmé and Jedi Revan team. Is a tank who taunts automatically every time that an ally receive a critical hit, granting them critical hit immunity, dispels all debuff and convert them to buff, or put retribution if have no debuff, call all allies with buff to assist, gets foresight at the end of every turn and give foresight to random allies with basic, so is a very powerful character that will make a big difference against people who not have him.

    Darth Traya: Is a very good team with Nihilus and Sion, specially if you put the 2 zetas, because the zeta on the Traya leader ability makes that when an enemy uses an ability outside of their turn, they take damage equal to 35% of their max health and when an enemy gains a buff outside of their turn, they lose 50% offense until the end of their next turn, so is a good counter against Jedi teams, because they gain a lot of buff thanks to Yoda, plus some extra turns, like when Bastila, Ezra, General Kenobi or Jolee call characters, or when they counter thanks to the Bastila unique ability or General Kenobi retribution, making them lose health and offense. The zeta in the Traya unique makes that at the start of each Sith ally's turn, Traya dispels all debuffs on them, so the debuff are not important against the Traya teams, because Traya will dispel all automatically, so if you use Old Ben to put offense down and ability block, maybe you can reduce some turn meter, but the offense down and the ability block will be automatically dispelled at the beginning of their turns. Can be a good team against people who buy packs like Tuskens, Imperial Troopers, Jedis, Inquisitors, Rebel Fighters, Bounty Hunters and others.

    Traya is a very powerful character, the isolate will make useless some of your enemies, like Yoda, that will not be able to get and spread buff, General Kenobi, that will not be able to taunt and dispel debuff, Barriss, that will not be able to heal, etc. The Traya team is a good counter against Geonosians with Brood Alpha as leader, because they lose 35% max health in every assist, they are continuosly assisting, so they lose all the HP and protection very fast automatically and is very easy kill them with 1 hit. The Traya team is one of the best at the beginning of the game if you put both zetas, will help you a lot to get victories in the Grand Arena Championship.


    Gears & Relics: The HB has a lot of different gears, but not a lot of the most important gears. For example, only has 100 Carbanti, when only to gear General Kenobi to Gear 12 is needed 300 Carbanti, if you want gear from gear 9 to Gear 12 all your team probably you need around 800 Carbanti, so you will check that you will not be able to gear your characters, will be needed find some guild playing good raids and start to get these gears, plus start to buy them in the Guild Store, probably is needed between 1 and 2 months to get enough gears to make Gear 12 your team and some more months to make Gear 13 your main arena team.

    A Hoard account not has this problem and this is the main advantage, because you get around 300 pieces of every gear and between 3 and 5 fully crafted of every gear, you can check an example at the beginning of this thread. Also you will have around 10k Normal Enegy Hoarded that you can invest to farm your preferred gears, like if you invest all this energy to get Stun Guns you can get 50 pieces per every 2.500 energy as average, so with 10.000 energy you can get an additional 200 Stun Guns.

    Futhermore, you will have a lot of Guild Store currency hoarded (between 150.000 and 200.000 guild store currency), which can be used to buy Carbanti, Stun Cuff and other gears that will be very needed to gear your main team.

    From first day you will have all the needed to make Gear 12 all your 5 main characters and very soon Gear 13 and start to put Relics. The Relics are modifiers that increase a lot the power of every character, only can be applied from Gear 13, so while the other players will need 2 months to gear their characters, you will be using Relics from the beginning.


    6 Dot Mods: Another good thing about the hoard accounts is that you get a lot of Mod Slice Parts, around 700 of every type, which are needed to slice 5 dot Gold mods to 6 Dot Mods, increasing a lot the primary and the secondary stats. In the Hyperdrive Bundle is not included Mod Slice Parts, so you will not be able to improve your best mods until you start to get rewards from Grand Arena, as at the beginnig is better use the Cantina energy to farm characters, than to farm Mod Slice Parts. With the Mod Slice Parts you can increase the secondary stats of your Grey, Blue and Purple mods to Gold, and once are Gold you can increase them to 6 Dot Mods.

    Futhermore, with the hoarded Guild Store currency you will be able to buy the Mod Slice Parts (Mk 2 Pulse Modulator) to increase the mods from Gold to 6 Dot. Will not be easy for normal players who simply bought the HB buy gears and Mod Slice Parts at same time in the Guild Store, because will be more important gear the characters than slice mods, so most of players will keep using 5 dot mods during several months, when you can use 6 Dot Mods from first day, so your mods will have as primary stats 16% Health instead of 5,88%, 42% Critical Damage instead of 36%, 20% Critical Chance instead of 12%, 35% Tenacity instead of 24%, 32 Speed instead of 30, 8,5% Offense instead of 5,88%, 30% Potency instead of 25%, and the secondary stats also will be increased a lot.

    7 stars Grand Master Yoda: With the Hoarded Cantina Energy will be very easy for you promote Yoda from 5 to 7 stars in few days. After buy the HB you can get 5 stars Yoda from the beginning, but you will not be able to get 6 and 7 stars until you finish to farm the Jedis. You will get directly 5 stars on Ezra, Old Ben, Ahsoka and Qui-Gon Jinn, plus 5 stars Bastila, Kanan and Windu. The hoard accounts includes between 5 and 7 stars Barriss.

    If you want use a Jedi team at the beginning, with Bastila or GK as leader, the best is get 7 stars Yoda as fast as possible to improve his stats, he is who deals the best damages on that team, plus if you want put Relics to Yoda is needed get 7 stars first of all, so while the other players only have 3.000 or 4.000 special offense on their Yoda, you will have a Yoda with 8.000, 9.000 or 10.000 special offense, and the same will happen with rest of your main characters thanks to get Gear 13 faster than rest of players and be able to put Relics. If you can get a Grand Master Yoda at 7 stars, with Gear 13, Relics and 6 Dot Mods from the beginning, will be unbeatable by rest of players. This is only possible with a HB combined with a Hoard account, is not possible only with a HB without a Hoard account or only with a Hoard account without the HB.

    To get 7 stars Yoda the best is finish Ezra, Old Ben and Barriss with the Hoarded Cantina Energy and you will get a lot of Cantina Store currency to spend in the Cantina Store and finish Ahsoka, buying 40 shards per day. Also you can buy 2 Cantina Store refreshes per day to finish faster her, because buying 40 shards per day would be 4,5 days to buy the 180 shards needed to promote her to 7 stars, but if you buy 2 Cantina Store refreshes per day will be only 3 days. You will have around 6.000 Hoarded Cantina Energy, the HB has 500 Cantina energy and you can buy another 360 Cantina energy with 3 Cantina refreshes, so it will be a total of around 7.000 hoarded Cantina energy. You need 180 shards to finish Ezra and Old Ben, who are 8 energy Cantina Battle, and around 100 shards to finish Barriss, who is 12 energy Cantina Battle. Probably meanwhile you will be able to buy around 40 Ezra shards in the Fleet store and Guild Evҽnts Store, plus 20 Old Ben and Barriss shards in the Guild Store. Barriss also has 2 Hard Battles where you can spend your Hoarded Normal Energy, getting 20 extra shards per day if is needed. Usually the rate is 1/3, so to get the 140 Ezra shards would be 840 energy, to get the 160 Old Ben shards would be 960 energy, a total of 1.800 energy, so with the rest of energy you will be able to finish Barriss. If you prefer, you can buy Qui-Gon Jinn shards in Cantina store at same time than Ahsoka and use him instead of Barriss.

    With General Kenobi, Ezra, Old Ben, Ahsoka and Barriss (or QGJ), with only 3 or 4 days you will be able to promote Yoda to 7 stars and get Gear 12, put 6 Dot Mods, then get Gear 13 and put Relics.

    7 stars Ahsoka Tano: For the same reason than Yoda, Ahsoka is a very powerful option. A good option as initial team is use Bastila, General Kenobi, Anakin, Ahsoka and Yoda. Bastila, GK and Anakin will be 5 stars at the begining, thanks to the Hoard account you can get very fast 7 stars on Yoda and Ahsoka, with only 3 days, so Ahsoka will be your second best attacker after Yoda.

    She will do a lot of damage with her special "Protective Maneuver", because this attack deals damage a second time if Anakin or General Kenobi are an ally, and if both are allies deals damage a third time. Thanks to the Hoard account you will have 7★ General Kenobi from the beginning, thanks to the HB you will have 5★ Anakin from the beginning, so the Ahsoka special will do between 60k and 80k damage, killing directly some character, or near to 100k if is maxed with good 6 Dot Mods. Ahsoka has +50 speed thanks to the unique ability, so is as fast than Yoda (175 vs 177 base speed), thanks to the Bastila leader ability all Jedi have +15% turn meter at the beginning of the battle, so if you can get something like +80 speed with mods on Ahsoka will be enough to kill some character before the enemies can use their first turn, probably Yoda will kill some character and Ahsoka another one, if you put "Auto" the battles will be finished in few seconds.

    Futhermore, Ahsoka will be one of the best ships at the beginning thanks to be almost maxed at Gear 13, with Relics and 6 Dot Mods, will do a lot of damage with the special and basic, is a very fast ship, so also probably will kill some ship before the enemy can do something, the Fleet arena will be easier thanks to her. A good initial team for Fleet Arena is Hound's Tooth (Bossk), Anakin and Ahsoka, is one of the best initial teams until you get the Han's Millennium Falcon.

    Padmé: The HB only includes Dooku and Asajj Ventress as Separatist, so is not possible unlock Padmé from the beginning without a Hoard account. To get Padmé will be needed farm other Separatist, like Geonosians (Brood Alpha, GS, Spy, Sun Fac & Poggle) or Droids (Grievous, B1, B2, IG-100 & Droideka).

    If you are interested to use a Padmé team, you can start using a Geonosian team, getting Geonosian Brood Alpha from the beginning thanks to the Hoarded Cantina Energy, around 7.000 cantina energy that will allow you unlock directly Brood Alpha, Geonosian Spy and Geonosian Soldier, and you will be able to put the 2 Zetas to Brood Alpha if you want or put only 1 and save 2 for Padmé. You wil have 7 stars Sun Fac from the beginning and you will be able to unlock Poggle very fast thanks to the Galatic War Store, in 2 days you can unlock him or less if you buy store refreshes. The Geonosian team will be very powerful at the beginning and will be a good investment for ships.

    Also you can invest the Hoarded Guild Store currency to farm Ewoks and get
    C-3PO, who will be a good addition to your Padmé team, with Anakin and Ahsoka. If you are interested to use a Padmé team you can get it very fast thanks to a Hoard account, rest of players will not be able to use Padmé until they farm and gear the Separatist, so around 2 months for them to start to use a Padmé team, when you can start to use her with only 2 weeks or less.

    With a hoard account you can get Padmé directly at first day
    , because it includes 6 or 7 stars B2, 6 or 7 stars IG-100 and 7 stars Sun Fac, so with the 5 stars Asajj Ventress and the 5 stars Dooku of the HB, gearing them to gear 8 will be enough to unlock Padmé at first day.

    In the following video you can check that is not needed a very good Separatist team to get Padmé. This guy got 7 stars Padmé with gear 10 Nute Gunray, gear 11 Dooku, gear 11 Asajj, gear 11 Poggle and gear 8 Sun Fac, so if you use IG-100 and B2 instead of Nute Gunray and Poggle should be enough to unlock at least:

    You need farm Jango Fett to get the Hound's Tooth, as is farmable in the same Hard Battle than HT, so with 10 shards per day (2 Hard Battles refreshes) will delay only 33 days to get 7 stars, or 23 days to get 6 stars, so you can wait this time if you don't care a lot about get the last 2 Padmé stars in the first days. You can farm Dooku with the 2 Hard Battles, it will be 6,66 shards per day, so to improve him from 5 to 7 stars (180 shards) only will be needed 27 days. After that you will have Dooku, Jango, Sun Fac, IG-100 and B2 at 7 stars, ready to get 7 stars Padmé, without be needed waste Squad Arena Store currency, Cantina energy or Galactic War Store currency. All these Separatist are needed for several ҽvents, Grand Arena squads and to unlock other Legendary or Galactic Legends characters, so will not be a waste farm them.

    If you prefer get the last 2 Padmé stars as soon as possible, then the fast way is farm Dooku with the Cantina energy and Hard Battles and Asajj Ventress with the Squad Arena Store. Getting Rank 1 in the Squad Arena will be 27,5 shards per day, so to get the last 180 shards only is needed 6,5 days to get 7 stars Asajj, while with the Dooku Hard Battles you can get 6,66 shards per day, so during 6 days you can manage to get 40 shards with the 2 Hard Battles (without refreshes) and get the last 140 shards with the Cantina, it would be 2.520 Cantina energy, so a Hoard account will help you to get these shards and get 7 stars Padmé with less than 1 week, plus help you to gear these characters and help you to keep the top of the Arenas.

    To be sure get 7 stars Padmé with only 6,5 days would be needed keep farming IG-100 and B2 before join in the arena, as I started to farm them before the 2020 SWGoH anniversary, so was harder farm them, but now is 2 times faster, you have 20% chance in every Guild Store refresh to get B1 or IG-100 shards, or 40% to get one of them, so 80% chance to get B2 or IG-100 during some of the 4 refreshes of the day, which means that to get like the last 200 shards would be needed hoard during 25 days, checking the Guild Store 4 times per day. You can put alarms in your phone to assure not miss any refresh. If you buy some Hoard account without B2 already started to farm, to get 330 shards would be needed hoard during 41 days. As for 7 stars Asajj is needed 6 days of farming, would be enough with 19 or 35 days of hoarding respectively.


    Galactic Republic squad: Another advantage about to have General Kenobi from the beginning is make a full Galactic Republic team, without Bastila, with General Kenobi as leader, which is a Galactic Republic leader. Then you can put Zeta to Ahsoka, which will be Gear 13 with Relics and 6 Dot Mods, the zeta makes that if the ally leader is Galactic Republic, Ahsoka is called to assist whenever another Galactic Republic ally uses a special ability, so she will do a lot of damage. Futhermore, every time that an ally uses a healing ability call all allies with full HP to assist dealing 50% less damage, so when Ahsoka uses her special will call at same time Yoda, Anakin, GK and Barriss, because the special is considered a healing ability (all allies recover 20% health). Also when Barriss uses the healing ability will call Ahsoka (2 times), Anakin, Yoda and GK, and GK also has a special ability which call all allies to assist, calling Ahsoka 2 times, so you can call all allies 3 times in first round of turns, killing one enemy in every one of these turns. Futhermore, the Ahsoka special deals 50% more damage if the ally leader is Galactic Republic, so will deal crazy damages, taking into account that if Jedi Knight Anakin or General Kenobi is an ally, deal damage again, and if both are allies, deal damage a third time, so will do damage 3 times with 50% extra damage and calling all allies to assist, plus all allies gain Protection Up (20%) for 1 turn if all allies are Galactic Republic. General Kenobi will be 7 stars direclty in the hoard accounts I currently have.

    Barriss with the Zeta in the unique ability is the best option as last Galactic Republic character, as whenever an ally is critically hit, that ally recovers 20% health. General Kenobi will be very hard to kill if you get relics on him and you put 16% health mods and good health as secondary, you can get around 100.000 health on him at relic 7. The GK leader ability adds +30% Max Health to all Jedis, so it will be increased to 130.000 HP. It means that in every critical hit GK will recover 26.000 HP, which is more HP than the damage that the other players can get at the beginning, most of players will have between 1.500 and 2.500 offense, they will do a maximum of between 10k and 20k damage, futhermore, the GK leader ability adds +70% Defense, it will reduce a lot the damages received, so they will do nothing to GK when is critically hit, they will make him recover HP, so at the end is better than the Bastila leader ability, because, with Bastila as leader, GK would have an extra protection (200%) based on the max health, so would be 200.000 extra protection, but would not receive the extra 30.000 HP, so the real difference is 170.000, and neither would recover HP in every critical hit, only receiving 8 critical hits it makes better GK as leader than Bastila, and taking into account the healing from the Barriss basic, which is 6% of the Barriss max health, between 4.000 and 5.000 HP recovery in 45% of basics, plus the healing with the special, which can heal GK to 100% HP again, and the 20% Protection Up of the Ahsoka special, which is only applied when the leader is Galactic Republic, taking all of this into account, the real thing is that is only 5 or 6 critical hits to compensate the defensive advantages from the Bastila leader ability.

    Anakin also has extra advantages with GK as leader, whenever another ally falls below 50% health or is defeated, Anakin takes a bonus turn, and his next attack deals 100% more damage if all allies were Galactic Republic at the start of battle, so when the enemies are attacking GK and they get reduce the HP to less than 50%, Anakin will take a bonus turn, but as GK will recover HP very fast thanks to Barriss or Ahsoka, Anakin will be constantly getting bonus turn, doing a lot of damage with the basic and the AoE special, which grant all allies Offense Up and Critical Chance Up for 2 turns and, for each enemy critically hit, grant Protection Up (10%, stacking) to each Galactic Republic ally for 1 turn.

    The best third zeta is for General Kenobi, the best is put the first zeta to Ahsoka, the second to Barriss, the third to GK and the last to Yoda. The GK zeta makes that if all allies are Galactic Republic, General Kenobi taunts for 1 turn whenever another Galactic Republic ally loses any Protection Up. They gain Protection Up thanks to Yoda, Ahsoka and Anakin specials, so GK will be taunting all the time, will not be needed wait to receive a critical hit to start to taunt. Sometimes GK is less useful when the enemies gain critical hit immunity, because then you can focus to hit that character, will not receive critical hits, so GK will not taunt, but thanks to the GK zeta he will be taunting all the time and thanks to the Barriss healing and the Ahsoka, Anakin and Yoda Protection Up will be very hard to defeat GK.

    Probably a Padmé team is better, using Padmé as leader, instead of Barriss, but meanwhile probably the Galactic Republic team with GK as leader is the best initial team and all characters will be useful later for a Padmé team.


    Han Solo & Han's Millennium Falcon: Having Han Solo from the beginnig will allow you use the Han's Millennium Falcon since you can get Bossk and Hound's Tooth, something that will delay a lot of time to normal players who simply bought the HB, as
    to unlock OT Chewie is needed 5 Bounty Hunters. In the HB only is included Boba, Cad Bane, IG-88 and Greedo, so you need farm another one. There is no other Bounty Hunters on Galatic War store, Cantina store or Arena shipments, no Bounty Hunter fast to farm, only Dengar in Guild store and Zam in Guild Store and Fleet store.

    Basically you need Dengar if you want have some chance, to prҽvent the stealth from R2-D2 on that ҽvent. I farmed Dengar in all accounts to allow people to unlock OT Chewie from the beginning, at least to 5 stars, which is enough to start to use the Han's Millennium Falcon, which requires 4 Bounty Hunters ships to unlock, you get 3 of them with the HB: Boba, IG-88 and Cad Bane, then from the beginning you need farm Bossk in the Dark Side 9-B Hard Battle and Hound's Tooth in the Light Side 8-D Hard Battle, playing 15 battles per day, to get 10 shards per day, so to get 145 shards for 5 stars would be needed 14 days, but you can accelerate it buying extra Hard Battle refreshes, with another 2 refreshes (200 crystals = 100 x 2) would be another 6,66 shards or blueprints per day, so to unlock Bossk and Hound's Tooth only would be needed 9 days, would cost 4.950 crystals as total, 2.475 crystals each. In the Hoard accounts are included around 4.000 crystals, the HB has 2.000 crystals and you will get another 900 crystals daily with the Arenas, 8.100 crystals in 9 days, so is the best way. Not worth it buy the next Hard Battles refreshes by 200 crystals, and neither worth it buy shards or blueprints by crystals, is better wait these 9 days and continue doing the same until get 7 stars Han's Millennium Falcon.

    Probably most of people will need 3 or 4 months to be able to start to use the Han's Millennium Falcon, when you can start to use it with only 9 days, without be needed spend extra money. Then, you can use Han's Millennium Falcon, Hound's Tooth and Biggs as main ships, with Phantom II, Ghost, Ahsoka and Cassian as reinforcements, for an almost full Rebel Fleet team, plus Ahsoka which will be a very powerful ship thanks to be 7 stars, with Relics and 6 Dot mods, also is possible use Ahsoka as main ship at the beginning until you get an enough good Biggs.


    Jedi Knight Revan: If you are interested to use him from first day, is needed spend around 200 USD to buy the Old Republic bundles inside the Journey Guide.

    Some streamers did videos (video 1 || video 2 || video 3) getting him at first day, but they needed spend some extra money, between 150 and 300 USD to level up and gear them, with a total spending of between 350 and 500 USD, and at the end they only got Gear 12 in 2 or 3 characters, they got no Gear 13.

    With a Hoard account, thanks to raid rewards, you can gear them without be needed spend extra money, you will be able to put 2 zetas to JKR and 1 zeta to Jolee directly from first day, and very soon your Yoda will be 7 stars and Gear 13 with Relics, so your JKR team will be much more better than any other JKR team in the server, they will not be able to defeat you. Usually in every server appears 2 or 3 whales who spend a lot of money to unlock and gear a JKR team, but a Hoard account is much more better than any whale investment thanks to the gears got with Heroic Raids, the Mod Slice Parts, General Kenobi and other resources.

    During first week you can get a team with 7★ JKR (2 zetas), 7★ Bastila, 7★ Jolee (1 zeta), 7★ Yoda and 5★ GK, you will get all at Gear 12 at least, with Yoda, JKR and Jolee at Gear 13 with Relics and 6 Dot Mods, maybe also Bastila very soon thanks to the Guild ҽvents currency, will be better than the pic above.

    Currently not worth spend money to buy these Old Republic packs, as is very fast to get Jedi Knight Revan with only 20 days without be needed spend money. In the last strategies section you have all the info about it.


    Darth Revan: Is another option if you like this team, with Fallen Bastila, HK-47, Sith Trooper and Traya. Also is needed spend 200 USD to buy packs to get the required characters to unlock Darth Revan: Carth, Canderous, Juhani, Fallen Bastila and HK-47. Is a team not as good than Jedi Knight Revan until you get Darth Malak, because a JKR team is faster and can easily kill Fallen Bastila before she can do something and then is easy for them kill the rest of the team. Is an enough good team to be unbeatable by players who simply bought the HB, but easy to defeat by other hoarders or whales who bought the JKR packs. As JKR is required to unlock Darth Malak, the best would be start with a JKR team, which will be hard to defeat by the whales, if they can, thanks to 7 stars Yoda and Ahsoka, with Gear 13, Relics and 6 Dot Mods, plus General Kenobi, the 2 Zetas on JKR and the Zeta on Jolee, you can put both from the beginning, so probably the whales will not be able to defeat you during several weeks or months.


    Guild Store Currency:
    My accounts have between 150.000 and 200.000 Guild Store currency, depending if they farmed or not the extra Guild Store characters. With this currency you will be able to buy a lot of gears, which is the most important thing to get a good advantage against players who cannot gear their characters until they get this currency with raids, like to buy Carbanti and Stun Cuff. Think that only to gear General Kenobi to gear 12 is needed 300 Carbanti, as I said before, between 800 and 1.000 Carbanti for all the team, so the accounts with bad amounts of Guild Store Currency or new accounts that simply buy the HB will not be able to gear all of them until some weeks or months after get all these Carbanti and other Guild Store gears like Stun Cuffs.

    Also is important to buy Mod Slice Parts to get 6 Dot Mods, or to farm several characters, like the
    Jedis to get 7 stars Yoda during the first week. Also you can use it to farm Separatist to get Padmé, Ewoks to get C-3PO and a lot of things, with that big amount of currency you will be able to buy all the gears you need and farm all the characters you want.


    Hoarded Cantina Energy: The HB only includes 500 Cantina energy, almost nothing, with that energy you only can get 64 shards of some 10 energy Cantina Battle. A Hoard account includes 9.000 Hoarded Cantina Energy, it means you can get around 597 shards by this way in a 10 energy Cantina Battle or 742 shards if you farm an 8 energy Cantina Battle.


    Hoarded Normal Energy: The Hoarded Normal Energy can help you in different ways. You can use all the energy to farm gears, like Stun Guns, which is a gear very hard to get, usually the best is buy it always that appears in Shards Store, which is 6 Stun Guns by 372 currency, if you try farm it the rate is very low and is very hard to get, but is a gear very needed. The Stun Cuffs can be bought in the Guild Store, so are easy to get, but the Stun Guns are very hard to get. There are other gears that also sometimes are hard to get, but with, at least, 12.000 Hoarded Normal Energy and 3.000 Sim Tickets will be easy for you get all the needed to gear your characters.

    Once you have all the needed gears you can keep the energy and use it to farm interesting characters on Hard Battles and not be needed buy energy refreshes, like to farm the Old Republic characters needed for Jedi Revan and Darth Revan (Bastila, Zaalbar, Jolee, Fallen Bastila and Juhani), plus Wicket to unlock C-3PO, Talzin and Zombie to finish the Nightsisters team, Jango and the Hound's Tooth, plus Bossk, very needed for Fleet Arena, Sion and Nihilus, for a Traya team, Anakin, Droideka, Poggle, Daka, Ahsoka, Boba, Fives and Sabine are some of the good options, is a lot of energy play all of these Hard Battles at same time, specially if you buy Hard Battles refreshes, but with all the Hoarded Normal Energy will not be a problem farm them during several days and get an extra of shards than in a normal account, plus save crystals thanks to not be needed buy normal energy refreshes.


    Credits & Training droids: Maybe not seems very important, because simply buying a HB the account starts with all characters at level 80 and gear 8, you can make a Bastila team with Anakin, Ahsoka, Yoda and Old Ben, with all level 85 from the beginning, only will be needed spend 1,6 million to make lvl 85 the 4 lvl 80 characters and 6,2 million to level up Yoda from lvl 1 to 85, so a total of 12,8 million credits, when the HB includes 20 million credits, so is not a problem make your main team lvl 85, but if you want also level up your Fleet Arena characters, like Ackbar, Biggs, Ezra, Sabine, Chopper, Kanan, Hera and Zeb, to improve your Rebel and Phoenix ships, plus Boba and Wedge, you will not have enough credits to improve all of them, because would be an extra 16 million credits needed.

    And anyway, if you had enough credits, you would not have enough training droids to level up them, because with the training droids included in the HB, after level up the 5 Jedis all would be spent.
    Later, with the Credits challenge, Training droids challenge, Credit heist ҽvent, Traning droids smuggling ҽvent, Galactic War rewards, Arena rewards and Raid rewards you would get them, but
    would be needed several weeks to get all the credits and training droids.

    Futhermore, is needed a lot of credits to mod your characters. For every 5 dot mod is needed 248.400 credits, so 1 million per every 4 mods.
    To mod your main arena team is needed 30 mods, it would be 7,5 million credits. To find your correct mods is needed improve them to level 6, 9 or 12 first, before make them level 15, so it could be an extra between 1 and 3 million credits to find good stats. Then, if you also want mod your Fleet Arena characters would be an extra 15 million credits to mod 10 characters. Adding up all these things, the real thing is that only to maximize your Squad Arena team and your Fleet Arena team is needed 53 million credits, so will delay a lot of time, more than 1 month, for normal players who simply bought the HB, to get these extra 33 million credits. Also is needed more credits to improve the Grand Arena teams, but this is less important at the beginning.

    My accounts start with around 120 million credits, which added up with the 20 million credits of the HB is a total of 140 million credits
    . It means that you can gear from lvl 80 to 85 a total of 14 characters (4 Squad Arena and 10 Fleet Arena), from lvl 1 to 85 one character, like Yoda, and put 5 dot level 15 mods to all characters and still you will have around 90 millions to spend, like level up from lvl 1 to lvl 85 General Kenobi, which would be another 6,2 million, and rest of credits can be used to start to improve other teams, like if you are interested to get Padmé, then start to level up and gear your Genosians, which will give you an extra advantage on Grand Arena and Fleet Arena if you get also the Geonosian ships. A Hoard account has been playing the training droids challenge 2 times per week during 4 months, so you will have enough training droids to level up all your needed characters, plus all the training droids you will get when you spend all the hoarded energy.

    Also is important the credits and training droids for Fleet Arena. Is included 10 million Fleet Credits and 250 T4 training droids in the HB.
    With the HAAT raids you will have an extra 6 million Fleet Credits and an extra 350 T4 training droids, it will help you to maximize your Fleet Arena team.

    Also will have 12 million Fleet Credits, which will 22 million Fleet Credits after buy the HB, so you will have a lot of credits, maybe to start to buy some mods by credits on shipments, in the Mods Store.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Guild Evҽnts Currency: In the HB is not included Guild Evҽnts currency, only is included low amounts of Galactic War, Cantina, Squad Arena and Fleet Arena store currencies. In the Guild Evҽnts Store you can farm several interesting things, specially gears needed to make Gear 13 your team.

    Thanks to the Hoard account you will have an average of 24.000 Guild Evҽnts Store currency, enough to get the rest of needed gears to make Gear 13 your characters in your main arena team. Is a good option do some store refreshes to get faster these gears and make Gear 13 your characters as soon as possible.

    Also you can choose save that currency to later farm Darth Malak there, once you complete the ҽvent
    , every 380 currency is 1 shard, so
    you will be able to buy 63 Darth Malak shards, which added up with the currency you will get in your new guild thanks to the raids, Territory Battles and Territory Wars, will be enough to promote Darth Malak to 6 stars, will be 7 stars very soon, you can get a 7 stars Darth Malak in less than 3 months.

    Get for free Jedi Revan and Darth Revan in 20 days:


    To get Jedi Knight Revan is needed 7 stars on Bastila, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar and T3-M4.

    To get JKR with only 20 days is needed use half of the Hoarded Cantina Energy on T3-M4 (6-B Cantina Battle = 12 energy).

    Will be needed play 15 battles per day on the Bastila Hard Battle (5-B Dark Side Hard Battle), 15 battles each, doing 2 refreshes by 25 and 50 crystals each, to get an average of 10 shards per day, so to get the last 180 shards (Bastila is included in the HB at 5 stars) only will be needed 18 days. Last 2 weeks is enough with 1 refresh. Would be 850 crystals as total.

    To get Jolee (6-D Dark Side Hard Battle), Mission (5-D Dark Side Hard Battle) and Zaalbar (5-D Light Side Hard Battle) to 7 stars enough fast will be needed play 25 battles per day, doing 4 refreshes by 25, 50, 100 and 100 crystals each, to get an average of 16,66 shards per day, so to get the 330 shards for 7 stars will be needed 10 days, with a cost of 5.500 crystals each, 16.500 crystals as total of these 20 days.

    The total crystals spending would be 17.350 crystals. It should not be a problem, as simply with the 400 daily crystals from Arenas, 8.000 in 20 days, plus the crystals grom GAC, between 1.000 and 2.000 crystals, plus the 4.000 crystals included in the Hoard account and the 2.000 crystals included in the HB you will have 16.000 crystals after 20 days, and taking into account all the crystals after complete the achievements, after complete the ҽvents, the daily login crystals and the daily activities during these 10 days, probably will have around 18.000 crystals, all the needed.


    To get Darth Revan is needed 7 stars on Fallen Bastila, Juhani, Carth, Canderous and HK-47.

    Canderous (5-C Cantina Battle = 12 energy) is the only one farmable in Cantina. You can get him directly to 7 stars with the rest of hoarded Cantina energy.

    Fallen Bastila is farmable in the 7-A Dark Side Hard Battle. Is not included in the HB. As first you will farm the Jedi Knight Revan characters, is needed do 4 daily refreshes by 25, 50, 100 and 100 crystals, it will be 25 battles per day, 16,66 shards per day, so 20 days to get 7 stars. Would be 5.500 crystals as total.

    Juhani is included in the Galactic War store, you can get 30 shards per day, so only is 11 days to get her to 7 stars.

    Carth is farmable in the 4-G Cantina battle, which is a 10 energy battle. Is needed 990 battles to get 330 shards, so is needed 9.990 energy. Daily you get 165 Cantina energy for free, and you can do 3 refreshes by 100 crystals for another 360 energy, as total is 525 Cantina energy per day, with chance to get some in the webstore, let's say 550 Cantina energy per day in worst of cases, so would be needed 18 days to get Carth to 7 stars. Would be 5.400 crystals as total, maybe a little less depending of the rest of hoarded Cantina energy, the RNG and the luck with the webstore.

    HK-47 is farmable in the Squad Arena Store. Neither is included in the HB. Getting Rank 1 everyday in Squad Arena you will get 1.100 currency, which is 27,5 shards per day, so only is needed 12 days to get 7 stars, will be the first to get 7 stars.

    The total crystals spending for these characters would be 11.000 crystals. Maybe delays more than 20 days if you need wait some days to get these crystals, if you not buy them, but if you not get Darth Revan in 20 days, will be less than 1 month, and in next days you will be able to buy Darth Malak shards with the hoarded Guild events currency that you got with the hoard account and the raids and events you did with your guild meanwhile.

    Play in my Guild, play ROTE and Naboo raid from the beginning:

    If you buy some of the hoard accounts, you will be allowed to play in my own guild, which has close to 300M GP and is getting 18 shards in the Territory Battles named Rise of The Empire (ROTE), plus playing Naboo raid and winning al Territory Wars. You can check it in the link above.

    You will get very good rewards from the beginning. Few guilds as high allow play there players with less than 4M Galactic Power or without Galactic Legends, you will have 1M GP at the beginning and maybe 2M GP after 1 month, so you would be missing a lot of rewards if you buy a hoard accounts from other methods or you only buy the HB without a hoard account, but if you buy some of my hoard accounts you will be able to play in my guild and get Third Sister ("Reva") shards from the beginning and the best rewards.
    #3 QLC, 3/21/20
    Last edited: 2/21/25
  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    You can change the time zone on game settings to make coincide the arena time and payouts at best moment for you, there is 2 time zone changes available per year.

    In the price, logically, is not included the Hyperdrive Bundle, is needed buy it by yourself when you want join in the arena. Meanwhile the account will be level 25, to join in the Arena is needed level 28, so be careful not reclaim the daily activities, to not get experience, if you want join later in some days or weeks.

    All accounts are playable on Android and iOS devices. You can have it linked to Google Play (Android), Game Center (iOS) or both at same time.

    Join in a new server from first day. Create a new account in the guest account and get level 28. There are 20.000 players per server. When is close to 20.000 keep creating new accounts to check it, deleting the previous account, and when you join in first 100 ranks you can buy the Hyperdrive Bundle to get level 85 direclty. On fleet arena is not possible know when is started a new server, but you don't need check it, as all servers are easy. To join in the guest account on Android you need go to Settings >> Connect >> Log out of Google Play >> Play as Guest. To join in the guest account on iOS you need log out Game Center in the iOS settings, reload the game and press "Cancel". To delete the account press Settings >> Help >> Delete account.
    #4 QLC, 3/24/20
    Last edited: 2/21/25
  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    Is it legal?


    Build a Hoard account is a completely legal thing, the account cannot be reported and banned because of it, the administrators already said in the EA forum that hoard resources is a legal strategy that everyone can do without be banned. In every server there are Hoard accounts and no one got banned. Already I sold hundreds of Hoard accounts and they never not got banned. You can see a screenshot where I reported a hoarder to CG_Leaviathan (the community manager who manage the bans to cheaters), the admin said is legal.

    These Hoard accounts never used #, so they cannot be banned for this reason. If someone report you they will not find any cheating data in the account. To get 7 stars raid characters simply participated in the raids joining during the join period, putting 0 damage. Started playing Tier 3 raids, farming always the same character with the Guild Store currency, like Young Han Solo or Starck, and then, after get enough shards and promote the character, playing Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6 and finally Tier 7 Heroic raids. This is a legal strategy accepted by the game rules, because they like that new players get a reason and an extra motivation to start a new account and spend money on it.

    Is a Hoard account better than buy an account with GLs?

    I played myself a hoard account during 1,5 years until get the Galactic Legend Jedi Master Kenobi. After it I sold it, but I can tell that is a different experience, but probably not better than buy accounts with GLs, as you will be playing against whales in GAC, you will not be able to defeat them, the GAC will be boring at the beginning and you only will start to enjoy the game like 6 months after, when you can start to participate in the guild events, if you start playing in some big guild. You will enjoy squand and fleet arena, but not a lot the GAC and guild events. Is a better experience than start an account for free, but is not better than buy an account with GLs. If you have enough money, like 150 or 200 USD, I recommend you buy directly some account with GLs.

    I have a lot of accounts with Galactic Legends for sale, you can check them here:

    Has the SWGoH game a good future or will disappear soon?

    This game generated more than 1.000 million dollars since the launch on October 2015. Soon will be 10 years, so has a good future, you don't need be worried about the end of the game, will not happen in a near future.

    SWGoH has a good future and will continue active as always in next 5 years at least and probably much more, because is a game with a continuous updates that keep the old players and incentivize the new players, plus Star Wars has new films, active series and a lot of content that keep the interest of the current and new players, plus the developers to continue creating new content.

    I started a new account recently, the one in my own guild with the same name, and I saw that a lot of players bought the Hyperdrive Bundle and packs, with a Phoenix team with Rex I only can get the top 20-50, there are around 50 players who bought packs, so in every server the game does a lot of money, so still there is a lot of people interested to play and pay money.

    Extra details about my prices

    Currently my prices are 2,5 times cheaper than my initial price (150 USD) when I started to build Hoard accounts on 2019, I sold hundreds of accounts at that price. Currently I decreased the price because I had some accounts not sold, of these accounts build on 2020, and there are other methods who copied my system selling cheap, but still my hoard accounts are the best option, as are the cheapest and you will be able to play in my guild, so at the end you will get much more resources than getting some extra resource from the beginning.
    #5 QLC, 3/29/20
    Last edited: 2/21/25
  6. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    Discord: metodoquimico

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    Fącebook: metodoquimico

    Instągram: QUIMLC

    Telegram: QUIMLC

    Twitter: QUIMLC

    Languages: English, Español & Català




    If you have some problem to add me on Discord, you can join in my Discord server and talk me there directly.

    I do a 24 hours/day live stream on YouTube, in the link above, to demonstrate that I'm a trusted seller, as no scammer would show the face on Internet.


    In this game the security never is 100% granted, but thanks my unique security methods, the chance to be scammed is almost null, the scammers always are detected or prevented thanks to my method explained in this section.

    The account is transferred to me by EA Connect and, after unlink EA Connect, and before the buyer payment, the access is replaced in the mails and devices of the owner. The account level 85 is replaced by a new account level 2.

    If the owner tells me that only has it linked on Google Play (Android), I check if also is linked on Game Center (iOS), or vice versa
    . If is linked in both platforms the replacement is done in both platforms. Also is checked if the owner has the account linked in the guest account on the Android and iOS devices.

    These procedures are recorded by video screen recording and sent in a Discord group with the buyer.

    Before start the replacements, I show the account to the buyer in the live stream.

    At the end of this section you have a transfer example with Discord screenshots.

    The EA account is unlinked in case is registered. This is important to prevent the owner recovers the SWGoH account. Once linked your own EA mail, you have the total control of the account and no one can recover it.

    If you are the buyer, in the live stream you will be able to check that I not registered the account in some other place, as to link me the account is used the owner EA mail and each time that the account is linked is requested a new code which is sent in the owner EA mail, you will see that I only linked it one time, in the guest account of my iPad, and after transfer you the account I will show you how I replace my access by the same level 2 account we used for the owner replacement.

    Most methods of other sellers are not safe, because they only transfer the mail and password of the platform where is linked the account, but they not check if is linked in the other platform and if is linked in the guest accounts, or they only unlink the EA account and link it to your mail, without unlink the account in the mail where was linked, so the account keeps duplicated there and they can access or sell it again. If you have an Android phone and an iOS device, like an iPad, you can have the account linked in both platforms, is very easy, in the EA website there is a tutorial about how to link the account in a new device, with a tool included in the game settings, the Import account button by EA Connect. Additionally, you can have it linked in the guest accounts of both devices and have it linked in 4 places and sell it 4 times. This scam only is prevented in my method, where is checked if is linked on Google Play (Android), if is linked in the guest account of the Android device, if is linked on Game Center (iOS) and if is linked in the guest account of the iOS device.

    If is paid by PayPal, as the digital accounts are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection, to be safe for the owner and prevent that the buyer opens a dispute to claim a refund once transferred correctly the account, is needed send me the money as "friend or family". I will pay the owner as "goods or service", so you will have the 180 days buyer protection anyway, but to use it you need talk with me first and I will open the dispute, so the buyers cannot scam the owners in my method, opening the disputes themselves. If in the owner country is not available the payment as "goods or service", I will subtract a 15% in the account value as insurance and I will keep the money for if something happens and is needed do a refund.

    If you plan use PlayerUp as payment platform, the price in this case is an extra 13% (already included in the threads with the "Buy Now" button), as PlayerUp charges me a 13% fee, and when you send the payment PlayerUp will charge you another 2% in most of payment methods, so, as total, is an extra 15% cost.

    PlayerUp is a good method if you want an extra security, as first of all PlayerUp receives the money and keeps it until you confirm you received the account, changing the prefix of the 3-way conversation to "Buyer - Confirms delivery", only after it PlayerUp sends me the money.

    Also can be used Wise for the payment, with bank card or bank transfer, in your own currency and without extra fees, so you save some money if your currency is not USD, as by PayPal is 3,5% extra fee because of the currency exchange fee, plus around 2% fee because of send as friend/family.

    This method works in all platforms: Android (Google Play Games) and iOs (Game Center). You will be able to link the account in your Android devices (phones, tablets and emulators), in your iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) or in both platforms and several devices and mails at same time, also in the PC version of EA. The instructions are sent by private message on Discord. I cannot tell the instructions here in public, as would teach the scammers.

    The account can be linked in your main mail if you want. If you have some account there, the account can be replaced or moved to a new mail. Also you can link in a new mail directly. Is the same procedure on iOS Game Center and Android Google Play.

    Other sellers only transfer a mail and password, as they don't know all my methods, so you need use a mail that another guy registered, which is not very pleasurable and not safe, as they can use some mail recovery function, which is specially easy on Google Play accounts, with the Google Account Recovery function. Also there is the risk that the mail gets blocked because of suspicious activity, which happens when are people in different countries.

    In my method is not transferred the original mail and password, as could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an Asian account and was purchasing items in the Play Store with the Asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better use your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or create a new one, then there is not risk to be banned. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the App Store if you not use your own mail.

    This is an advantage for the owner also, as the owner doesn't need deliver the main mail, which maybe also is being used for other games, has apps and items purchased in the Play Store or App store, is the mail used for the configurations in the device or is an important personal mail. Is not needed transfer the mail, the owner keeps the mail, the access to the account through the owner mail will be removed by my unique system, the buyer will use the main mail, or a new mail, where will link the new account. We will never know the mail of the owner and, logically, neither the password.

    You can check in my PlayerUp profile that I have almost 2 hundred positive feedbacks, without negative feedbacks, and you can check that I'm a verified member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts, as the first thing that an unsatisfied costumer would do is publish a negative feedback, but 100% of my feedbacks are positive, I never received negative feedbacks as you can see.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. No scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Currently I have around 60 Middleman transactions completed, next level is at 75 transactions, so soon I will be Gold member. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total sold accounts is around 8 times my feedbacks.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:

    I do 24 hours live stream every day to demonstrate I'm a trusted seller, as no scammer would show the face on Internet. The owners and the buyers are more confidence to sell/buy through me, because I have no problem to show my face on Internet. I share all my social networks, where you can see more pics and videos about me, like my Facebook. and, specially, my Instagram., where I constantly publish pics and videos about myself.

    If after all of this still you need additional proof about me,
    you can choose some sales in my sold accounts and I will show you all the sale process.

    Through me the transfer is very safe thanks to my method, around 25 minutes of the sale is only to remove the owner access, 5 minutes is to transfer me the account, 5 minutes the payment and 15 minutes the transfer to the buyer, so
    the process usually delays around 1 hour, is the only way to make it safe and I'm the only seller who applies a real safe method.


    The transfer starts adding the owner and the buyer in a Discord group.

    After it and the initial presentation, I talk with the owner to transfer me the account.

    I do 24 hours live stream, so the buyer can check all the process on YouTube. The video will not be saved, as I never stop the recording, the limit to be saved the video is 12 hours, so if in some moment I stop the live stream it will be deleted, and if is automatically stopped will be hidden automatically. Also is disabled the Digital Video Recording (DVR), a feature which allows viewers to rewind the live stream, so if appears some personal data will not be possible rewind.

    I not show the procedures explained in the private conversations, to prevent that some people try it themselves and not correctly, generating problems. Always the best is talk with me and request my help for a correct and safe transfer, also if you found the owner/buyer.


    Once I got the account linked, first of all I show the account to the buyer in the live stream, by this way can check is exactly the same account and that there is no problem:


    Next is remove the owner access, to prevent that connects again in the account or sells it again. The owner does a video replacing the account by a level 6 account, so, from then, when the owner joins in the Google Play mail or Game Center mail only will see a level 6 account.

    The owner does a video screen recording as demonstration. Also does another video showing the guest account, to be sure not linked also the account there. Finally, I try replace the account in the opposite platform (Google Play if the owner had it on Game Center, or Game Center if had it on Google Play), to be sure not has it linked in the other platform:


    Also is unlinked the EA account, step which is not showed in the example, as this thing changed after I published it, but when I update the example will show it also. The EA account is linked in a buyer mail, as part of the link process.

    After all these demonstrations the buyer can be sure is safe send the payment, as the owner lost the access and the buyer saw the account in my live stream.

    Once the buyer sent me the money, starts the link to the buyer device:


    Finally, once the buyer got linked the account, I send the money part to the owner, subtracting my fee as seller.

    The owner confirms the receive and the account transfer is completed:


    All process usually delays around 1 hour. In this example has been 2 hours because the owner had some problems to understand the replacement process, but at the end got it.

    In case that some part is not available is not needed both connected at same time, I can start the first part with the owner, which is the transfer to me and the access deletion, then when the buyer is online does the payment and gets linked the account and when the owner is online I send the money part, so if in some moment is needed stop the process and continue later is not a problem.



    In this link you can join in my main thread, where I have listed all accounts for sale.

    You can see the accounts list in the first reply of the main thread, the second message.


    #6 QLC, 12/24/20
    Last edited: 2/21/25