Sold 8 legit legacies + 1 stacked progress account for sale

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by /u/cikaxx123, 8/2/23.

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  1. /u/cikaxx123

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    - L3 jake, claud, meg

    - also has csgo and few other games

    BIN: 350usd


    - L3 wraith, claud, L2 meg, L1 jake

    - also has csgo and few more games

    BIN: 320usd


    - L1 dwight + stranger things dlc

    BIN: 120usd


    - L1 achievement (lost legacy on jake)

    - has rust + csgo and some other games

    BIN: 35usd


    - L2 trapper (but owner modded legacies for all characters in 2018)

    - pubg banned

    BIN: 60usd


    - L3 trapper

    - pubg banned

    BIN: 130usd

    acc#7 (for "flex" only I guess)

    - L3 nea, meg (has some sort of invisible ban or idk since yesterdays update and I cant launch game)

    - pubg banned, issue in dbd:

    BIN: idk offer me

    acc#8 (for "flex" only I guess)

    - L3 claud (has some sort of invisible ban or idk since yesterdays update and I cant launch game)

    - pubg banned, issue in dbd:

    BIN: idk offer me


    - 3600 hours, stranger things, p100 jake and p70+ nea

    BIN: 30usd

    Accepting crypto, technically paypal, revolut, csgo skins, tf2 items. Not responsible for sale since I did not receive any og info upon buying.

    Responding only on discord: Lucy Wylde#0175

    # #/cikaxx123
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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