Account has never been over 2900 trophies!!! 18 packs of fusions, 3 packs of rugby, 3 packs of the egg ball, 5 packs of KM, less than 1 pack of the following: snow globes, deadball, spider, KMX, wave breaker, end zone and season 13!!!!! I can email pictures if interested [email protected] Clubs: EM8 BIG TOPPER 5 ROCK 8 THORS HAMMER 5 APOCALYPSE 4 BIG DAWG 8 HAMMER HEAD 5 AGUARDIAN 8 SNIPER 10 CATACLYSM 4 GOLIATH 8 SATURN 10 B 52 5 GRIZZLY 8 THORN/HORNET 8 FALCON 4 ENDBRINGER 5 RAPIER 7 NIRVANA/RAZOR 8 SPITFIRE 4 MALIBU 8 HOUDINI 8