Sold [8.8M] Whale account, 105 leggos, top gear, 1 key UNM, HUGE ressources, 240 GH

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by lexpok, 7/16/21.

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  1. lexpok

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    WTS account - [8.8M PP]

    - 105 leggos, 2 are the last fragment fusion champs, ready to be summoned whenever you want
    - Doom tower hard done for both cycle, avatar unlocked
    - FW is full done 819/819
    - a bright and shiny Great Hall at 240
    - Platinum arena capable, both blue Platinum avatars, many SP gear
    - Arena 3x3 GOLD 3
    - Top unkill for all clan boss - 1 KEY on UNM/NM/Brutal ( Venus and Fayne both ready to be used)
    - Gem mine maxed. All pit slots open
    - a HUGE load of ressources
    - The...

    [8.8M] Whale account, 105 leggos, top gear, 1 key UNM, HUGE ressources, 240 GH
    #1 lexpok, 7/16/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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