Selling  Android and iOS 7DS Grand Cross Year One account 13.8 Mill CC

Discussion in 'Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by WeakBoiMaru, 11/19/24.

  1. WeakBoiMaru

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    My Location:
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    Huge disclaimer: I will keep playing and furthering this account until it's sold
    - Global account
    - Year 1, 13.8 million account CC.
    - Champion 1 weekly and consistent.
    - 4 UR Fest (Meliodas, Arthur, Escanor, Thor)
    - 9 LR (Milim, Rimuru, Meliodas, Escanor, Elizabeth, Ludociel, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Lillia)
    - Most characters from all collabs like Overlord, Slime, Shield Hero, etc.
    - Can complete all demonic beasts.
    - Constellation of Pride (6th, Before last one) 13%
    - Google and Email Linked, not willing to share google as it is my main email but I'm also deleting the google play data upon purchase and will send proof. Facebook. not linked.
    - Will give code as I have no intention of ever returning to this game.
    - Price is #

    - Paypal direct

    For any questions, I'll gladly answer.
    - Discord: 3rd_classification
    - DM
    Screenshot (1141).png Screenshot (1142).png Screenshot (1145).png Screenshot (1148).png Screenshot (1149).png Screenshot (1150).png

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