7995 Trophies 121 Emotes 14578 Wins Maxed Cards Premium Clash Royale Account for Sale – 7995 Legacy Trophies, King Level 56, Maxed Cards Selling my high-end Clash Royale account, fully loaded with rare items, nearly maxed cards, and impressive stats. Perfect for competitive players or collectors looking for a highly established account. Account Highlights: Trophies: 6,969 (Highest Trophies: 7,995; Legacy Best: #1,272) King Level: 56 Coins: 2.3M Gems: 212 Card Collection: All cards maxed except for 7 cards (3 still to be found). Emotes: 121, including the Ghost Gem emote (rarest emote in the game) and other exclusive, hard-to-find emotes Tower Skins: 36 unique tower skins for customization Account Stats: Wins: 14,578 Losses: 11,336 Three Crown Wins: 4,377 Total Donations: 283,095 Account Age: 9 years Challenge Stats: Max Wins – 19; Cards Won – 13,510 Tournament Stats: Cards Won – 40; Matches Played – 1,477 Path of Legends Rank: Challenger I Why This Account? This account is ideal for players seeking a competitive edge or collectors of rare items. All screenshots, including card levels and trophies, are attached to this post for full transparency. For questions or to discuss details, reach out to me on Discord at joemonsanta details : https://statsroyale.com/profile/8LG9VVU