K365 C35 755m power with 6M troops, have all tier 11 troops,800k T11, 3.3M tier10, Stats top 3 1800-2100, other stars 3100-3500 All buildings have 34-35 lvl About 70% progress in academy have a stalker kit, 5 of 6 items, All tier 6 gems (rare stone gems) Tier 5 shields Tier 6 gears with 64lvl of airship Many tons of resources with 4 farms 4 farms include 2-c17, 1-c19, 1-c20 all farms have 8-10 catacombs In a very peaceful kingdom that works together for Kingdom versus Kingdom (KVK) and other playerup. The fighting happens during KVK, New World, Kingdom Raid, Blood War, Ultimate Alliance Event which are all against other kingdoms. FOR more info and sreenshots contact to me For contact: Telegram: Kirill, +375296781430 WhatsApp: Kirill, +375296781430 Discord: aglog#4754 Fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005508589061 twiterr: @aglog228 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agloggg/ VK: https://vk.com/kirillpoliakov Prefer discord(because i can show my acc with farms on demonstration) or instagram and telegram because i all time online