Sold 752k roster

Discussion in 'WWE Champions Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by USMCGene, 2/20/20.

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  1. USMCGene

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    Moving away from game so up for sale..

    4g Richter
    4g zAustin
    4g Rock great one
    4s Jeff Hardy
    4s Dibiase
    4s NWO Big Kev
    4s Breeze
    4s Rousey
    4s Slic Ric
    4b Sting
    4b Andre SB
    4b Styles
    4b Paige
    4b Nikki Bella
    4b Perfect
    4b Elias
    4b Rikishi
    4b Jimmy Uso
    4b Goldberg
    4b Jinder
    4b Piper
    4b Booker tech
    4b Corbin
    4b Dude Love
    4b Roode
    4b Natalya
    4b Shane O Mac
    4b Luger
    4b Davey Boy Smith
    4b Xpac
    4b TUF
    4b Steph McMahon

    And a bunch of others 3g and down
    DX subscriptions good for another 3 weeks and at VIP 11

    $225 through PayPal invoice ONLY

    My discord is: Raok#1486
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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