{LVL169} 14 Epics (4Epic+) - some legendarys Selling my account because im playing like 1.5 years and im bored. My epics are: Demortuis Robes+ Aquatic Battlegear+ Centurion Aegis+ Crystal Finmail+ Demortuis Robes Sol Vanguard (War epic) Armor of the Peacock Dragonborn Aegis Kerstman's Shroud Armor of the Devoted Chaos Vanguard 3X Arcane Mantle Legendarys: Black Kaleidoscopic Raiment Emperors Vestment+ Saint's Battlegear+ Wraithscale armor Account information: 5,000,000 gold (still building up) All training fields Lvl 169 ________________________________________ Pm me on line if you are interested in buying my account Line id: max2099 .;