Hello, I am selling my GF Account, 70 WL and 70 GM, both Maxed out with crystals and weapons. 70 WL: Weapons: 70 purple axe (+20) 70 purple hammer (+20) 70 gun (+20) Has 3 gvg rings first str nuc, but has all vit nucs including sparkling 4 cbms on wl, all with vit/def training 70 wl sprite set, +20 70 gvg blue axe +20 65 yellow shield +20 (base 30k hp) GM tittles: Empowerd force Troll master the rogue knight 70 GM: 70 gvg set +20 70 yellow and purple 1 h mecha weapon, both are +20 70 gvg 2 h firearm +20 +20 yellow mech weapon (25% dmg taken one) all vit nucs (including sparkling, also has marine) 2 cbms on this chara with def/vit build gvg rings/cape as well decent costumes, as well as 2nd hit buff decent amount of consumables (47k base hp) GM Tittles: Empowered force Ghoulish warlord Like a boss This account has a 5 star cbm with vitality prefix. Im looking for at least $1000 for this account, both charas are extremely overpowered if you know how to use the, it has alts that are decent in pvp as well. Serious message only, contact email: [email protected] Skype: Same as above