Offering my lifetime eu account for sale. Currently has 15.287 TP and all expansions up to rohan (lvl 85). Also has 3 transfer tokens. Chars that are currently existing and worth mentioning are all on Gwaihir[DE]: lvl 85 Champion lvl 75 Captain lvl 71 Minstrel lvl 65 Guardian The champ and captain used to be my main characters so they have a lot of old stuff ranging from full rift sets up to the lvl 75. Also has close to 500g on the mentioned server as well as a decent amount of older crafting materials and account bound shop items spread over the characters. As i am mostly offering this up for the lifetime feature whether you want the account stripped or take the characters aswell is up to the buyer. For further info or offers pm me or pm me your skype nick and i can add you.