Hybrid Cannon ($250 OBO) Gear is mainly Rat/Astaroth along with the high quality rares from later monsters Conqueror/Guardian path 100% complete, Hunter lacks enough golds to unlock everything but I have the elite bow F2P account Account still being played so attack and stamina scores will continue to increase Once sold and payment is received, I will PM you the web3 login details Dropbox - Main - Simplify your life HeathTank ($175 OBO) Very good as a spare LOM defender, a pocket healer/guardian in guild battles and a source of Guardian points. Gear progression is minimal as is conquest paths F2P account Account still being played so health scores will continue to increase Once sold and payment is received, I will PM you the FB login details, it's up to you to change the web3 login Dropbox - Mini - Simplify your life Get both for $400 Contact Wechat: LeeKwantew86 Telegram: LeeKT86 or PM me here