Selling  Android and iOS 6x acc - Plasma7, VIP10, 830m BP, 6,7m troops, 1mio Bio, +5 Bonus Army accounts

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by university, 11/1/21.

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  1. university

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    My Location:
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    all accounts Located in one State (1-7, tell you later) that will be merged very soon with other states

    Selling my 6 accounts: The main one + 5 secondary accounts (usefull for events or fill own Rallys or full reinforce). You can make an own alliance.

    Main account:
    • Plasma7 + 2500-3000 Plasma to upgrade to plasma8 soon
    • VIP10 - 30% filled to VIP11,
    • 830m BP in top10 in state
    • +135% troop attack bonus
    • 6,7m P7 T10 troops,
    • >1mio Bio vailable,
    • Golden Chief gear + 1000 chief gear maps
    • golden chief medals
    • Golden Hero hear, almost maxed
    • Heroes, Hank lvl70, Courtney 70, Tina 50, Jess general, Luca general, Martha 70, lost of others on all possible levels, can send screenshots if needed
    • HQ Skins - 28 skins available, 10 active permanent = now at +32% attack
    • HQ Frames: 34 frames available, 31 permanent activated => now at +55% defense
    • March Skins: 10 available, 7 permanent activated => now at +39% march speed
    • researched maxed on eco + almost maxed at war

    +5 Bonus Army accounts included (can also be sold separately):
    • Plasma5, 550m BP, 5,2m t10 troops, ready to upgrade to plasma7 with available 3500 plasma
    • Plasma4, 417m BP, 4m t10 troops, ready to upgrade to plasma6 with available 4800 plasma
    • Plasma4, 347m BP, 3,5m t10 troops, ready to upgrade to plasma6 with available 5000 plasma
    • Plasma4, 317m BP, 3m t10 troops, ready to upgrade to plasma6 with available 3500 plasma
    • Plasma1, 104m BP, 700k t10 troops,
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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