Add me on discord for questions: Designer#4676 Hi, I am no longer playing my whale account and looking to sell a legit whale account Total spent on this account, approx. $42,500 US Currently am a Barb. Started with DH, they played WIz and Crusader so have all their essences. Also have a cosmetics on DH and Wiz. 6920 Resonance. Have 7 5/5 rank 10 gems. (BSJ, Bile, Bottled, Zwenson, Echoing shade, Blessing of the Worthy and Howler's call) See below Pictures Account comes with full info and ownership. 5/5 blood soaked R10 5/5 echoing shade R10 5/5 blessing of the worthy R10 5/5 bottled hope R10 5/5 seeping R10 5/5 howler's R10 5/5 zwenson R10 5/5 Phoenix R1 5/5 Chip R1 2 Rank 7 Tourmalines 2 Rank 7 Sapphires 2 Rank 6 Tourmalines 2 Rank 6 Sapphires 1 Rank 6 Ruby 1 Rank 6 Aquamarine 1 Rank 6 Cirtrine 2 Rank 5 Tourmalines 258,000 Platinum on the account 1590 Orbs on the account 33 Legendary Crests (30 Crests are unbounded crests so can sell on Market place) 157/540 for Legacy of Horadrim
This dude is a scammer. Doesn’t even own the account. Quoted 300. Sent money then said 600 then wanted more to refund. Fukn scum bag POS