Sold 65 Shaman with 125 AA, Epic 1.0, Elemental Flags, Focus Items, 75 Speed Mount - $200

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by RoamingMerchant, 12/19/24.

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  1. RoamingMerchant

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    I am leaving the game and liquidating this account.
    The character has a mix of Tower, Velious, Luclin and PoP elemental gear. Total worth of the gear is around 5-6 Kr most likely.

    The Shaman has its 25% heal focus , Debuff Duration, Buff duration, Spell Haste and Mana Pres.
    The Shaman has its Epic 1.0
    It has a 75 speed mount.
    There are currently 125 AA spent
    The Shaman is flagged for everything up to and including Elemental Planes. ( Not Earth B )

    I am looking for $200 or best offer.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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