Sold 65 rim clothing items 5.00 items in lisiting

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cassie Brown, 10/20/19.

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  1. Cassie Brown

    Cassie Brown
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    1 rare new years party hat, 1 rare sparkly head bow, 3 rare cupcake hat,1 rare straw hat, 1 rare viking hat,2 rare sunglasses, 2 rare sombrero, 1 rare elf helmet,3 rare stegosaurus tail, 2 rare stegosaurus armour,1 rare star hat, 1 rare flower crown, 3 rare fox hat, 1 rare antlers, 1 rare shutter shades, 1 rare baseball cap. 1 rare sandles,1 rare mech angel helmet, 1 rare winter jacket, 1 rare astronaut helmet,1 rare big bow, 1 rare home made wings, 2 rare gazelle horns, 1 rare spartan armour, 1 rare spartan helmet,1 rare heart skull helmet, 1 rare arctic coat, 1 rare snow shoes, 1 rare witch hat, 3 rare eyeball hats, 1 rare yeti mask, 1 rare friendship bracelet,1 rare cozy shoes, 1 rare spiked wristband, 1 rare patched hat, 1 rare woven hat, 1 rare musketeer boots, 1 rare angel wings, 1 rare golden headphones, 1 rare backpack, 1 rare winged shoes, 1 rare rhino helmet,1 rare viking hat, 1 rare bow and arrows, 1 rare jamaaliday cozy shoes, 1 rare jamaaliday angel wings, 1 rare unicorn horn and 1 rare curly wig if interested in these items please email [email protected] or discord winsor699 #1320
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