Sold 65 Bard with 200 AA, Epic 1.0, Elemental Flags - $275

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by RoamingMerchant, 12/21/24 at 1:35 AM.

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  1. RoamingMerchant

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    I am leaving the game and liquidating this account.
    The character has a mix of Tower, Velious, Luclin gear. Total worth of the gear is around 4-5 Kr most likely.

    This Bard has all the appropriate instruments and 60+ Songs
    The Bard has its Epic 1.0
    There are currently 190 AA spent and 24 more AA ready to spend
    The Bard is flagged for everything up to and including Elemental Planes. ( Not Earth B )

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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