For the pics or info add me on disc.: paugaz Looking to leave the game behind and get something out of it on my way out. Account has 3 everything completionists and a 4th character that is only a handful of lives away from being completely. Account has duped augments, potions, comms, etc. 2 of each box left unopened. All content unlocked and VIP. Attached screenshots are only a small amount of some things kicking around on the account. In the shared crafting bank there is duped augments of every type. There is a maxed out cannith crafter on account. The 3 completed characters have 90, 80, and 65 reaper points each. There are 2 dedicated cosmetic characters as well as a paladin wearing an old school unique armor that I have never seen on anyone else. (see attached) Gear is primarily melee dps focused but there is tank+healer gear on account. Account is on the server Argonesson.