Selling  Global  GLOBAL OPTC LVL 414 208/321 many characters with character box 1765/2680

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Milkdude, 2/25/25 at 10:13 PM.

  1. Milkdude

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    After spending a lot of time and effort building up my One Piece: Treasure Cruise account, I’ve come to a point where I no longer have the time to dedicate to the game. Between work, school, and other commitments, I’m unable to enjoy the game as much as I did before, and I’d rather pass it on to someone who can make the most of it. My account has some great characters, a solid team, and many valuable resources that took a lot of effort to collect. It’s in great shape and ready for someone else to take over and continue progressing. I hope the new owner can enjoy the game as much as I did and make the most of all the hard work put into this account! IMG_3314.png IMG_3313.png IMG_3304.png IMG_3312.png IMG_3306.png IMG_3307.png IMG_3308.png IMG_3309.png IMG_3305.png IMG_3310.png IMG_3316.png IMG_3317.png IMG_3315.png