Selling  50m-100m  T3 63m Account/1.2m T3/Protected Kingdom of 839/460m gold

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by 1Brexit, 1/3/21.

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  1. 1Brexit

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    Hello guys, this is my first time selling an account, so please bear with me.

    Am selling this account as am getting sick of lords mobile and want to move on.

    This kingdom that am in is ruled by an English guild and there is little to none chinese presence if that matters to the buyer.

    If you have any questions about the account or about me, just go ahead many thanks for reading and please be patient with me. Screenshot_20210103-122819_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-122809_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114201_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114307_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114257_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114246_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114208_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114204_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114152_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114138_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114127_Lords Mobile.jpg Screenshot_20210103-114117_Lords Mobile.jpg

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